Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Family Bible Time

This past week I put out the offer to the families in our church, and also through the magic of Facebook the world (or at least the portion on my friends list) a chance to win a Family Reading Bible to use in the upcoming year. In order to be entered to win, the families are asked to share  with me a way that they are planning to spend time in God's Word as a family. My plan was to not simply give away this awesome resource, because it really is a cool family Bible, but more so to get families thinking about spending time in the Bible together.

So what's the big deal about families spending time together in God's Word? Shouldn't I be encouraging them to spend time alone with God instead? Let me share with you why I think that family Bible time is so important.

First I believe that by instituting a family Bible time in your home you are starting your children in a habit of spending time in God's Word each day. Parents are showing their children by example that the Bible isn't only to be opened on Sundays or midweek at church, it is a book that is to be read every day. If your children are small and not of reading age this is so important, but as the children get older they can take  turn reading the scripture and even sharing what they have learned from it. This can also serve as a jumping off point for personal devotions as the children grow older. The children can be encouraged to read the passages of scripture on their own and then the family come together to discuss what they think the passage means, and ask any questions that come up.

The second reason I believe that family Bible time is important is that it shows your children what is important in your life. It is good for children to see their mother and father taking time out of their day to spend time with God. As children grow they look to their same sex parent to see what is expected on how they should act and what they should value, and so whatever you do is what your children will see and mimic in their own lives. If you want them to live by the Word of God, so should you.

The third reason I believe that family Bible time is important is it provides a safe place for question and discussion. If you begin when the children are younger and really take the time to talk about questions that come up or discuss some of the sticky situations that are mentioned it builds a strong foundation of openness and trust. The hope is that later when the children are older and possibly facing sticky situations of their own that they will use the family Bible time as a safe place to ask what the Bible says about that situation. Much learning can happen both in intellectual knowledge and spiritual growth from times like these.

The fourth and final reason I believe that family Bible time is important is simply that it is family time. In todays world our schedules pull us farther apart from each other instead of closer together. We spend our time running from school activity to work activity to even church activity and we do not often make the time to spend as a family. And what better way to set aside time to spend as a family but to do it around God's Word.

I would love to hear your thoughts on spending time in God's Word as a family.What are you doing this year to spend time in God's Word as a family? Do you currently spend time together in God's Word? If so is it daily? weekly?

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Service

One of the traditions I have at Christmas is one that I have gained within the last 10 years, that is the tradition of a Christmas Eve service. In the church I am currently in, and the one I previously served in, the Christmas Eve service was a family service. As a Children’s Pastor I absolutely believe in age specific classes for children on a regular basis, but there is something so special about families worshipping together on Christmas Eve. Just tonight I attended the Christmas Eve service at Liberty and I was reminded again how wonderful it is to have multiple generations of families celebrating the miracle of Christmas together. At first sight you would see a dimly lit, packed sanctuary. You would hear the rustling of people and the cries and talking of children. These things may seem like a distraction or even seem to take away from the “atmosphere” of the holiday. But to me it just makes it even more Christmas Eve. You see we know from the account in Luke 2 that Bethlehem was very crowded. In fact it was so crowded that Mary and Joseph could not find any room in an inn. The light wasn’t good and so the young couple was trying to find their way around the stable to the best that they could. I can imagine Joseph trying to make it seem more like a room for his young bride who was soon to deliver her son. 
Because Joseph and Mary were in a stable, in a crowded town, we can be pretty sure that things were far from quiet. There were probably babies crying out, overheard conversations, and even the animals making noise. It was far from a silent night, and definitely not as put together as a pretty nativity scene that we all observe each year. So hearing babies crying out or squeezing in a little closer than normal in a pew just reminds me of that miracle that happened so many years ago. The miracle of God coming to earth as a helpless baby in a less than perfect situation in a world with "no room" for Him. May these Christmas Eve services always remind me of the simple beginnings of Christmas and not allow me to get caught up in the elaborate celebrations.

It is because of this that Christmas Eve services are one of my favorite traditions at Christmas time. If you have never experienced this type of worship I would encourage you to find a church that does it. I have been blessed to serve in two churches that believe in worshipping as a family on Christmas Eve and it is something that has become very important to me.

Thankfully Growing at the Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Choosing a Nativity Set

Placed right beside our Christmas tree in the foyer of the Children's wing is a Little People nativity set. And depending on when you walk by it, the pieces are in a variety of arrangements. It always brings me such happiness to walk by and see how the pieces are placed this time. And that is one of the reasons I chose this particular nativity set.
When I was serving at a church a few years back, they had an elaborate nativity set that was adorning one of the counter tops in the Children's Ministry area. I spent so much time telling children not to touch it or overhearing parents doing the same. Now don't get me wrong, this was a BEAUTIFUL nativity scene, but in my opinion it had not place in the Children's Ministry area. Children are such tactile learners that it only seems appropriate that they be able to touch the nativity scene. I understand having an elaborate set in the church sanctuary or foyer, but in a place with children it needs to be child friendly.
And so when I was at a church in which I was in charge of the Children's Minstry, I went in search of a nativity set that was child friendly. There are a few out there, but I settled on the Little People set because I felt it was the closest to the actual Bible account. (I am a personal fan of the Charlie Brown Christmas Pageant set but that is a pageant and not a nativity). And so I put it out by the Christmas tree and told the kids they could play with it and touch it as much as they wanted as long as the pieces stayed there. This is my second church with this nativity set and both groups have loved having this type of nativity set in our Children's Ministry. There have been many overjoyed children and relieved parents when they found out that it really was ok to touch the nativity set. I love watching the children act out the story they just heard using the nativity set. And i've even had a laugh our two at the strange ways they play out the Christmas story. (I had one boy put the baby Jesus in the back of the cart behind the donkey and say that Mary and Joseph brought him to Bethlehem that way.) This is not just any story in the Bible it is the Birth of our Savior. And I want kids to be able to experience it in a real way and not feel like it is something not meant for them or somehow "spiritually untouchable." Jesus came as a baby to save ALL of us! I want the children in my ministry to know that the Bible is real, that it is true, and that it is for them. So no "sacred cows" for us, I want everything we do to be child friendly when it comes to teaching the lessons. And what better way than having a nativity set that the children can touch and experience for themselves.
Here is the current set up  our nativity set has found itself in. I believe the wisemen are lined up to take their turn worshipping Jesus. Because all preschoolers know, we must line up nicely and wait our turn!

Joyfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Monday, December 8, 2014

Church Christmas Traditions: Ornaments

If you haven't noticed this about me already, I love traditions. It is exciting to have something you are looking forward to, and at the same time look back at with fond memories. I have lots of Christmas traditions within my own family, but I also love sharing and beginning traditions with my church family.
One of the traditions that I joined in on at my previous church was having each of the children's Sunday School classes make ornaments for the Christmas tree in our lobby. This was a tradition that I absolutely loved and so I brought it with me to this church. I am not sure what the teachers first thought when I told them that this was something I would like to do this year but so far I have not had any tell me I am crazy and refuse to participate. This past Sunday we had a few of our classes bring down their ornaments for the tree and I have to tell you that it made me feel like Christmas was finally here! Seeing the ornaments that the kids created and watching them find the perfect place for them on the tree was a joy to see. Both the kids and the teachers were very excited by the making and hanging of the ornaments. And one of the best parts was seeing the kids drag their parents and families over to the tree after they were picked up to show off the ornament that they had made. I heard so many little voices saying "That one is MINE!"

Yes I love seeing kids artwork and creativity put into motion, but most of all I love the kids having a bit of ownership within the church. This is our tree, and the ornaments on it are only from our kids. You will not find store bought ornaments adorning this tree, only handmade works of art from the very children that attend here week after week. All too often kids are made to feel like the church belongs to someone else, the grown ups, the pastor, or by some unknown entity. But the truth is we are the Body of Christ, we are The Church. Every single child that steps foot into our building each week is part. And as part, gets some little bit of ownership. No we won't be invading Big Church any time soon but we do have a place that is ours, a place where the Nativity scene can be touched and played with, a place where the ornaments may all be clustered in one area of the tree. But also a place where the Birth of our Savior can be celebrated in a real way, and a place where we can together experience the wonder of God coming to earth as a tiny baby.
There are many Christmas traditions, but I can honestly say that my most favorite ones include children.

So what are some of your church Christmas traditions?
What part of Christmas gets you the most excited?

Faithfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Its the Little Things in Life

Today is my birthday. It is only 10:17 as I sit here typing this blog and because of the wonder of technology I have been greeted with 40 Happy Birthdays from friends and family in a variety of states. I do not tell you this to brag in any way. Simply because it has reminded me that the little things in life are so important. Would it be any less my birthday if no one had wished me a happy birthday? NO.  But it is a wonderful feeling to know that those around me care enough to take time from  their day and say "Happy Birthday" to me.

I am constantly surrounded by those who drop little blessings into my life, and I am trying my best to do the same for others. Whether it be kind words to someone who is struggling, a smile for a stranger, or encouragement for a job well done. Its the little things in life that can mean so much to a person. Stop and think for a second about something that may seem small or insignificant to others but meant a lot to you. Maybe it was a cup of coffee from a friend when you least expected it. Maybe it was your husband having dinner ready when you got home from work. Or it could be a hug from a child when you are upset about something. These are not the type of things that are reported in newspapers, and often aren't even talked about among friends. But these are all things that can change your day, even make it better. Another layer of joy comes from being the one to cause the happiness in someones life. Growing up I heard the phrase "it is better to give than to recieve." I believe this applies to this situation as well. When we set out to be a blessing to others, we in fact find ourselves being blessed.

So what little thing can I do today to try to make someone's day better?
 How can I be an encouragement to the people around me?
What can you do?

Thoughtfully Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Heroes- And What They Taught Me (Redo)

At the beginning of November I recorded a video blog  talking about some of the ministers who have influenced me and my ministry. I thought everything uploaded fine..but it didn't. So here is my attempt at uploading it again. I didnt want anyone to be confused when I am talking about Pastor Appreciation Month when that was clearly in October.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, and all too often it is the forgotten holiday in Children's Ministry. It is squished between Fall Festivals and Happy Birthday Jesus parties. I myself have caught myself throwing something together the weekend of thanksgiving both in the midweek and weekend to appease the lesser crowds that stick around for the holiday.
In recent years I have been trying to do better to give this holiday the celebration that it is due. Thanksgiving is such an important holiday to teach kids about. Thankfulness is something we should practice all year round, so it deserves its focus at least once a year.

One of my favorite things to do that has become somewhat of a tradition that has moved with me is watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I know you are all thinking what is spiritual about that? But here's the thing. This video though it may be silly in parts reminds us where thanksgiving started. Linus again steps up and informs us that thanksgiving began with a group of pilgrims and indians who were thankful that they had survived the past year when so many had not and that they were able to find a peace among themselves.  This video also reminds us that thanksgiving isn't about our elaborate decorations or the majestic and mouthwatering meal laid out before us. It's about gathering together with those you love and remembering the blessings God has given us. With a ping pong table, popcorn, jelly beans, and buttered toast this diverse group of kids have managed to teach us a lesson on not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season but to stop and reflect on what we can be thankful for.

There are many other ways to teach kids about Thanksgiving and probably many more spiritual than the Peanuts gang but for now I am going to stick to my tradition and pop some popcorn, buy a bag of jelly beans and have some fun watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with the kiddoes.

I would love to hear from you what some of your traditions or ideas for celebrating Thanksgiving are. How do you keep the focus on this holiday?

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Trunk or Treat Update

We are just past Trunk or Treat and I am so excited by the way things turned out! At rough estimate we had about 2500 people join us this year for trunk or treat. This is more people than we had in attendance last year and we are so happy for the growth. It is my prayer that we are able to continue growing each year to accommodate the increase in visitors. God blessed us with wonderful weather, it was about 70 degrees outside with a light breeze. The weekend before it was cold and in the 50's and this coming weekend (the one following trunk or treat) it is predicted to snow. Our God is one who is in control of all things and cares about the little things in our life as well as the big. We prayed for good weather and God provided.

This was my first year doing Trunk or Treat at Liberty and I will absolutely admit that I was nervous. I was worried that I would mess things up and that the event would turn out to be a complete disaster. But God is faithful and He worked through me and others to make this event a success. There were many lessons learned this year, and I have multiple pages of notes to go over in considering next year's event. I feel that it is always good to take a look at anything you are doing and see if there are things that are working well, things that are not working at all, and things that you can make better. One of the things that I know we will be making a change in for next year is setting up a fence perimeter around our Trunk or Treat. We had cars lining the outer edges but people were still able to walk through and therefore missing the welcome booths with church information and tracts. A perimeter will also allow for better safety measures as we have cars arriving and leaving in a constant cycle just beyond our Trunk or Treat.

In my last post I listed things that I was not prepared for in college when it comes to real life ministry. And through my preparations I thought of another thing, something I never would have considered as a student sitting in a classroom. The arm and ab muscles used when mixing large amounts of candy. I am one that likes for each trunk to have a variety of candy to offer the children and so one morning a couple of us worked to mix and box over 50000 pieces of candy. My arms and abs were as sore as if I had just done a workout, and I guess in a way it was. Was this a life changing revelation? No, but it was definitely unexpected.

To give an update on one of the questions I posed in my last blog, I do not know exactly how long it takes to pop 100 lb of popcorn. I do however know that you can pop roughly 500 bags and 1 large trash bag full of pop corn in 6 hours. We only used 1 popcorn machine, and so therefore are considering either renting additional machines or planning an entire day to pop the popcorn prior to the event.

Though there were lessons learned this year and things to tweak for the coming years, overall this year was a success.

Learning and Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Need to Do What?! Trunk or Treat Edition

A while back I posted about things I do as a day to day children's minister that I just was not prepared for in my college classes. It is definitely one of those defining moments between theory and practice. Well as I have been preparing for our Trunk or Treat this year I have been reminded of more things that I honestly never thought I would have to know or consider. So here is my list for you. I hope you enjoy!

1. What is the condiment to hot dog ratio when buying in bulk?
2. How to get 50,000 pieces of candy for under $1500.00
3. The nacho chip to cheese ratio.
4. At what rate do you distribute candy to be able to stretch over a 3 hour time period?
5. How long will it take to pop 100 lb of popcorn?
6. How to estimate the growth of an event based on the weather patterns over the last few years and the forecast for this year.
7. Would this type of candy hurt if being hurled through the air from a candy cannon?
8. What songs should be chosen for a Trunk or Treat playlist?
9. How to properly block off a hallway so that there is no one wandering through the church building.
10. How to plan for anchoring a bounce item without drilling holes in the concrete.

I know this was a bit of a shorter post today, and for that I am sorry, but as you can tell I am deep in the midst of Trunk or Treat prep. If you are in the Grant County area on October 25th, come join us from 3-6 for our annual Trunk or Treat at Liberty Baptist! We would love to see you there.

Comment below and let me know about some of the things you have encountered that have caught you off guard.

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Guest Blogger: Brad Merchant

Today I have asked Brad Merchant, our Intern and leader of our 3rd and 4th grade children's church to share with you. I enjoy serving alongside Brad and his wife Clarissa each week. I hope you will enjoy what Brad has to say! You can see more of Brad on his blog at

 Children are not the future of the church

Children are not the future of the church.

That’s right. They aren’t. The reason they aren’t is because they are (huh?).

The children in our churches are in no way the ‘future’ of the church. They are the church. Jesus in no way declared that once you are redeemed that you must hit a certain age limit in order to be a part of the Messianic church. Instead the Scripture teaches that “For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and ALL (emphasis mine) members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). Children redeemed by Christ through repentance and faith in Him are the church.

So why don’t we treat them as such?

My prayer is that Liberty Baptist Church would be so fired up about what Jesus is doing in our church (saving the lost, sanctifying His own, and building His church) and what He is doing in the lives of our children, that we would be eager to serve. Let’s pray together for God to help us realize that the children are important because the redeemed are His own and He desires to save every child that is lost. May this lead us to greater service, passion, and vision for what He has in store in The Grove at Liberty Baptist Church!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Props (Almost) Everyone Has

 A few weeks ago while attending Idea Explosion 2014 at Kidzmatter I was reminded that there are so many household items that can be used to help you tell a story to kids. I will cover a few here for you.

Wooden Spoon
      Wooden spoons can be used in a variety of ways when telling a story. It can be a baton when there is marching going on in the story, such as the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho. It can be used as a spoon stirring in a bowl when there is cooking going on, such as Mary cooking when Jesus came to teach. A wooden spoon can be used as a character in the story. Glue a bit of yarn for hair to the top and wrap the handle in some cloth and tada a person!

Toilet Paper Tube
          What may seem like trash is actually a great tool for not only story telling but also crafts, but we can get to the craft part another time. A TP tube can be used as a small mega phone or trumpet when telling the story. It doesn't increase the volume of your voice much but enough to add to the story. A tube can also be used as a spyglass or binoculars when taping two together. There are many stories of spies in the Bible in which you could use these to enhance the story.      

Blanket (Sheet)
        A blanket is the most versatile item I think there is when telling a story. A blanket can be used to transform you into one of the characters of the story. It can be put on the ground for water, a piece of land, or even the floor of a make believe house. You can roll up a blanket and hold it like a baby, use it to cover other story props, or even simply use it as a blanket in the story. Any old sheet or blanket will do, but if you have different colors, use them!

     I typically use a free standing bag that is not see through, because I like to put my story pictures or props inside to keep them hidden until I am ready. A normal paper sack from the grocery store is sufficient. You can even decorate a bag if it is something you want to use over and over. And the best part is storage is easy, just fold it up flat and its ready to be stuck somewhere.

These were just a few items that are just laying around the house that could be used to help you tell your Bible story to the children. Feel free to comment and let me know what your favorite household items are to use when teaching.

Creatively Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Can't Shut My Brain Off!

Hey all! Just a short video for you today, its my way of making it up to you that I didn't post last week! Please let me know your thoughts! I would LOVE to hear from you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things (Resources)

I thought I would take a few minutes to share a few of my favorite resources with you. So I recorded myself sharing my top 5 favorite resources, I will have the resources covered listed under the video.

Resources Mentioned:
The Fire Bible for Kids- Life Publishers International
What the Bible is All About (For Kids)-Gospel Light Publishing
The Bible Doodle Book- Zondervan Publishing
The Pocket Bible Doodle Book- Zondervan Publishing
Bible Story Doodles by Graham Ross- RP Kids Publishing
First Bible Stories- Parragon Publishing
Reward Stickers- Walmart
Tokens of Appreciation- Oriental Trading

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Idea Explosion 2014

I had the awesome opportunity to attend, no participate in, Idea Explosion 2014 at Kidzmatter Ministries in Marion, IN. So what made this such an awesome opportunity? It wasn't spending a day outside the office. It wasn't the teaching, though that was stellar. It wasn't just the networking that went on. No it was all of that and more! I loved that I could get together with other ministers who are doing what I am doing, trying to partner with parents to lead the next generation in the ways of God.  The discussions that went on at the tables and in the hallways were such a joy to hear and be a part of.  Hearing from a group of leaders who are not only in the trenches themselves but also doing it with excellence was truly inspiring. There were a few different times where I found myself jotting notes in the margins of my session notes because of the ideas and plans that were being inspired within me because of what was being said. I came away from this day being encouraged, inspired, motivated, and rejuvenated.

Being a young adult in ministry I try to take advantage of all of the conferences, workshops, and classes that I can because I want to learn more. I want to hear how others are dealing with the same struggles that I am having. I want to hear how God has taught a great new truth to someone and it has made a positive impact on their ministry. I want to hear practical tips to make me a better minister, staff member, leader, and person. I hope that I never lose the desire to learn more, because learning more only makes me better as a person and as a minister.

I am very thankful for all of the people in ministry who are willing to share what they know about life, ministry, and everything in between with other people. I heard it once said that ministry isn't a lonely island. We can all help each other if we would only try.  The awesome group of leaders that shared today have left a  lasting impact because of their desire to not simply hold on to the lessons that God has taught them but to instead share so that others do not have to go through what they went through, or to add to the success of the things that are going well.

So thank you to Ryan and Beth Frank, Tina Houser, Jim Wideman, Michelle Anthony, and the countless others that taught me something today without even realizing it! It is God's work through you that He will use to bring glory to Himself in my ministry. I pray that someday I may be able to teach something to someone else, and leave even a portion of an impact that was made on me.

Absolutely Learning and Growing at The Grove!!

Miss Megan

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Becoming a WE instead of a Y'ALL

I spent 3 years living just outside of Memphis, and therefore I have picked up the language and the slang quickly. I often find myself saying "y'all", and often don't even realize I am saying it half the time. The other day I was sitting in the office at the church talking to some of the staff and I made the comment about something they were doing and my statement was "Well I don't know what y'all do..." my boss stopped me and said, "you're one of us now, its not a 'y'all' its and we." And it hit me, he was right. Even though I have physically been here just over 5 months I still frequently refer to the people and staff of Liberty as "y'all" instead of we. I am still mentally separate myself from the staff and church that I am now a part of. I know this is something I need to work on. How can I be a cohesive part of the staff when I still use us/them language? How can I lead children and families when I make myself an outsider? The answer to both of those questions is of course I cannot. God has lead me to this church at this time in my journey, and though I have physically moved and transitioned, I now need to complete that transition and move from a "y'all" to a "we."
I think that every one who goes through a time of change and transition has to make the shift from y'all to we. It has to be a purposeful change, one done with conscious decision. With each passing week and each upcoming event, I am beginning to change my vocabulary. I am trying my best to put my mind in the place of being included in the aspects of Liberty.  Just another milestone in this journey that is a life of ministry. And I am resolved to embrace each step of the journey.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pictures from Kids Camp 2014

We had a great time at Kids Camp this year learning about how God wants us to live. The theme this year was WEIRD: Because Normal Isn't Working.
We looked at the lives of Ezekiel, Queen Esther, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and John the Baptist. Each taught us a different lesson on how living God's way may seem weird to the world but is the right way to live.

Our favorite song this week was the 10 Commandment Boogie by The Go Fish Guys

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I Need to Do What??!

In my past 6 years of being in full time ministry there have been things that have come up that I was never warned about/prepared for in college. I believe that I have learned just as much if not more in the real world of ministry than I learned in theory in college. Some of these things range from typical to slightly bizzare. Here is a short list for you:

1. What color/type of mulch is needed on a playground?
2. The plumbing make up of a preschool sized toilet.
3. What does happen when a child eats glue.
4. How to find the best possible route to pick up kids for camp.
5. How many batches of popcorn will feed 25 families
6. How do you get cotton candy dust out of your hair?
7. Designing a Theme/Logo for a ministry
8. Re Decorating a Childrens Building
9. Choosing/ Setting up  a security check in system
10. How long should you set the motion sensor light duration in a preschool bathroom?
11. How to balance the volume levels for the 3 stacked children's churches so that they are not turning it up to be heard over the others.

I know there are many more things I've learned, and I would love to hear things others have learned or had to deal with.

Learning and Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

The Feeling of Familiarity

God has been working on me lately reminding me of all of the good things that come with returning to the church that I grew up in. One of those blessings that come with returning to Liberty is the feeling of familiarity. I am able to work on a staff with a Senior Pastor that I have known for years. And though I have never worked for him prior to this, in general his personality is the same. In most situations you have the breaking in period where you learn your Senior Pastor and he you. Because we have both known each other, it was easy to transition into the position and meet the expectations the Senior Pastor has for me. It is as if we have been able to jump a few months into the future in our working relationship.I am also blessed to work along side a worship leader who also happened to be my Youth Pastor and my College ministry pastor. Instead of coming into a completely new staff, I had a familiar face to encourage me through the days of learning the ropes. I  have been able to get to know the rest of the staff very quickly and have already began to feel "at home" around the office.
Liberty has always been the church that I have called my "home church" in my time away and that is because I feel they are the church that launched me into my own personal ministry, and in the same way they have accepted me back into the church to be the leader of the children's ministry. Another aspect of this feeling of familiarity comes from the fact that we have so many families that are still involved in the church and more specifically the children's ministry. I have the awesome opportunity to serve along side of volunteers who I also served with years ago when I was here. This feeling of familiarity has allowed me to make a quick integration into the children's ministry and church as a whole. I have also had the privilege of serving along side some of the kids who were in the children's ministry when I left. They have now grown up and are serving themselves.

As the days go by the feeling of familiarity of grows. I am so glad that God has placed me back here at Liberty. Though at times it may feel like it is all new, I still have this great feeling of familiarity, it is a blessing from God.

Grateful to be Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I Love Camp

If you were to ask me what I am truly passionate about, one of the answers you would get from me is camp. I LOVE CAMP! 
What's so great about camp? Camp provides us a way  to get out of our normal day to day life and spend time in God's creation listening to and learning from God. It is amazing how well we can hear God speak when we don't have the tv, phone, ipod, etc. fighting for our attention.

In my mind camp is so much more than a location, it is an ideal. Inside, outside, no matter where or when, camp is a choice to step away, do differently, and come away changed. The concept  that camp is a state of mind is fairly new to me. I am still working through this but the more I think on it the more I believe. 

If we were to define "camp" as a period of time in which we separate ourselves from the day to day stuff of our lives and focus on learning and hearing from God. Using that as our frame work there are lots of things that fall into this category. In fact, Sunday School or church could even be placed in the category of camp with this definition.  If we can define a Sunday morning service as "camp", can we then expect to have the same mountain top experience during a service? I truly believe its not the pastor or location that provides us with those experiences, but instead  our own opening of our hearts and seeking to focus and hear from God. Imagine entering a Sunday morning service with that same willingness, even anticipation, oh think of the ways that God could move in our lives! Every time we are at church could be a spiritual "camp" experience,whether it be Sunday School, Children's Church, midweek, or even a Bible study. 

The thing I love most about camp is meeting with God in a real, tangible way. So then why is it so hard to accomplish more than once or twice a year?  I know personally I find it easier to listen to God when I am out in His creation. However the truth is, God is still speaking and moving even when I am not in His nature listening. And therefore the issue lies with me. I need to make more of an effort to tune out the distractions of the world, and listen wholeheartedly for the voice of God. I need to actively seek to be changed from every encounter with the Word of God. 

I love camp, and as I am learning, it doesn't have to be something I wait all year to experience. 

Grateful for God's lessons at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Giving Back

My whole life my parents have taught me the value of repaying a kindness done to you. When my parents were first starting out as a married couple they were both working and not making much money. There were times when my Grandpa (my mom's dad) would bring them over groceries to help the pay checks stretch that much further. And so when the opportunities have arisen, and my parents have seen someone they can help in some way, they have taken that opportunity to help, since the same was done for them.

My mom and dad have always shared the importance of this with me. As the body of Christ we are to help each other and repay what is done for us. That doesn't always mean repaying the person who helped you, sometimes it comes more in the way of paying it forward.

There have been many times in my life that people have helped me, whether it be through giving me something I was in need of, encouraging me along the way, or pouring their time and wisdom into my life. One in particular that stands out to me is the mentor relationship that I have. When I was a teenager I began a type of informal mentor/mentee relationship with our church's Children's Pastor. I would sit in his office and we would talk about the ministry, school, and life. He was a great encouragement to me early on when I felt called to ministry. As I have ventured out into my own ministry, he and his wife have continued to be a constant source of encouragement to me. I know if I need a sounding board for an idea, or simply a little bit of advice on how to handle a situation that he will be there to help in any way he can. Now that I find myself a little more settled, and feeling like I can hold my own in my ministry and life, I believe it is time for me to pay it forward. It is time for me to find someone that I can pour into, journey along side, and help through encouragement and prayer. I have been blessed by the impact my mentor has had on my life and ministry and I hope that God can use me to be a blessing in someone else's life.

I am so glad that my parents taught me to give back by helping others. Life is so much better when we all work together, that is what the Body of Christ is all about.

Has there been a time in your life where someone has helped you? Have you paid it forward and helped someone else?

Gratefully Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wisdom on the Wall

On the wall of my office, above my desk is a quote, "Every child is a story yet to be told." Surrounding this quote are pictures of children both in my current ministry as well as my prior ministries. I love having this reminder always in front of me as I work. Though it is not a quote from scripture, I still believe that it holds a great truth. Children have amazing potential and a long future ahead of them. They are impressionable and everything that goes on around them forms them into the adults they will one day become. This reminds me that I have a huge responsibility to make the right impressions on the lives of the kids in my ministry.Every interaction and conversation we have with a child is another mark on the blank slate of their life. My hope is that the end picture will be that of Jesus, and so I must do my best to mark carefully. I want to do my part to teach them about the love of God, to depend on Him to get them through the paths of life. Who knows what God has in store for each of these children. He may lead them through a path in life that is particularly hard to handle, he may call them to do something that is not necessarily popular or easy, He may even bring tragedy their way. God may also bless them beyond measure, give them wealth or fame. But in any circumstance, I want these kids to know that the center of their story, no matter what it includes, should always be God.

As I sit here looking at the faces of each of these children that hold a special place in my heart, I wonder what God has in store for their future. What story will each of them tell with their life? Has my story inspired them to seek after God? Has my influence been a positive on in their life? There is so much potential wrapped up in each of those faces. Stories that have already begun but are not yet finished. I pray that the Lord will use me to make a positive mark on the unfinished stories that each of these children hold.

Blessed to be Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Road to Check In

I mentioned in my prior post about our bus ministry that we are in the process of looking at check in systems for our children's ministry. One of our big challenges has been accommodating  our bus ministry as well as our drive in kids.
Recently I presented a plan to our deacon board and answered any questions or concerns they had. For the most part all of the men in that room were on board with my plan and thought that over all we were in need of a system to protect ourselves as well as our children. No final decisions have been made, but I thought I would share my proposed plan with you incase there is anyone out there like me who has been dealing with the same situation of a unique ministry with unusual check in demands.
We are looking to use Planning Center check-in. I like that it is online based and run so we are not locked into one location, it is as mobile as our ministry. With a mobile device and a bluetooth printer we can take check-in wherever we are. This will allow our bus workers to check in each child as they get on the bus. We have gone with a durable sticker printer that is intended for use by those in delivery or transport. It is rechargeable so we do not have to worry about powering it while on the bus, and it is small enough that it can be carried with you easily.
Our back up plan, should the technology decide not to cooperate one Sunday, is to use wristbands of different colors to distinguish between which bus the child rides. For the drive in children there will be a wristband that comes with an attached ticked and matching numbers.
We will have touch screen kiosks located in the may lobby area of our children's wing for drive in families to check in their children. We have decided to go with bar code scanners to help speed up the check in process. We will also have an ipad for use in checking in visiting families. Using the ipad will allow us to be able to pull the visitors out of the way of the families checking in and be able to speak to them and not be interrupted.
As our ministry grows I believe that this check in system will be able to grow with us. I am looking forward to making The Grove a safer place for our children and families. Thankfully we live in a country where we do not fear persecution for our religious beliefs, but we do live in a world full of sinners and I want to try to protect our children as much as we can.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Generation

Last night I was talking to one of my close friends from Memphis. We were discussing how we have been seeing God at work lately. She was rejoicing and in awe of the little "God things" that God has allowed her to recognize lately. As we talked she mentioned a few things that had happened recently that upon reflection we know would not have happened had God not had His hand in it. One such occurrence happened when a group of friends went out to eat after the young adult service at her church last night. As she looked down the table at the gathering there she saw two of the guys talking and having an authentic conversation with each other. These two have probably been around each other consistently for at least 6 months. But their differences have meant that they have never really connected. Those of us who know them both, would say that there is actually a lot that they would have in common if they got to know each other. Well last night through the seemingly randomness of the open seat at the table, these two were pushed together and began to talk. I believe that if a true friendship were to grow between these two it could lead to both of them growing in their faith. God uses the people around us to teach us things about ourselves or things about Him and that can help us grow closer to God and hopefully bring that friend along side of us. That is my hope with these two.

As we continued to talk my friend and I also began to talk about how our prayer in recent days has been that God would use us in ways for His glory to make an impact beyond ourselves. But both of us have come to the realization, especially in recent days, that the little ways that God uses us can actually be just one part in something bigger that God is doing. That  in fact God has been answering our prayers and using us, but instead of us being the one to lead thousands to Christ or heal some incurable disease, He has been using us to carry out His will in many different ways. And though we may not see the end result in our lifetime we will both gladly submit to follow the leading of God and do as He asks us to. Just one seemingly small action on our part can lead to something that is so far beyond ourselves that it can only be attributed to God, the one who truly deserves the glory.

As the conversation continued we began to get excited as we thought about what the impact would be if our generation surrendered to be used by God in whatever ways He saw fit. What if we all stood together and said that we would follow and obey willingly? What if we were genuine in our relationship with God and with others around us? Well the world as we know it would change, in a big way.
So my prayer now is not for myself but instead for my generation. That each of us would realize that our true potential does not lie within ourselves but outside. That our potential lies within our willingness to surrender completely to God and His plans for us. My prayer is that we would be genuine and honest about the way that God is moving in our lives and the lives of those around us. That we would not be ashamed of the changes that God is making, that we would openly rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and mourn with those who are mourning. That my generation would be the hands and feet of Christ to everyone they encounter and show a true picture of what the family of God is supposed to look like.  I am willing to be used by God in any way that He sees fit, I sacrifice my wants and desires to pursue the perfect plan He has for me. And though I may never receive accolades or even see the completed work, I rejoice that God allows me to see glimpses of Him at work in the world around me. I pray this for my generation.

Prayerfully Growing at the Grove!
Miss Megan

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Another VBS Over

This past Thursday evening we finished our Vacation Bible School. I will fully admit that I was very nervous going into it because it was my first one at this church. There was a lot of learning that went on both on my side and the side of the volunteers.  But it went really well. In fact there were a couple of times that  I had that eerie oh no feeling, you know the one you get when you leave home for a trip and just know you forgot something, but it all turned out to be ok. 

At the end of the week we ended up with just over 100 kids in attendance at VBS. That may seem like a lot  to some, and to others just a drop in the bucket. I am very pleased with the number of kids we had in attendance. We had a faithful group of kids that came every night. We had some times of great discussion in our zoo crews and I believe that some friendship were made. We had such an awesome group of leaders that were truly there for the kids, and it showed in everything they did. I am so thankful and blessed to have each of them on my team.

On Wednesday night we shared the plan of salvation with the elementary children in a brief meeting prior to their normal evening rotations. The children were very attentive in their listening, and I know that there were seeds planted within them. As it stands right now no salvation decisions were made. But I believe in the promise that God's word will not return void. I know that the Holy Spirit will keep working in them until they day they make their choice.

Though VBS can be a bit tiring after going full speed day after day, I must say that now that it is over, I kind a miss it. I miss seeing the kids every day, singing and playing with them.I miss the fellowship with the workers that occurred. But it guess it is all of those things that makes VBS special. The stepping away from the normal to spend more time focusing on God in a fun and exciting way.

Thankful to be Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Fathers Day

I know I am a day early but I wanted to make sure that I got this posted before the craziness that is Sunday in Children's Ministry.

Fathers Day is a very special day to me because I have a very special dad. I don't know if there are many girls out there who can say that their dad is truly one of their closest friends, but I would honestly have to say that my dad is one of mine. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I am an only child and so therefore it has always just been the three of us. But the great thing is that even at 28 years old that has not changed. As I have grown and matured, there have been changes to our relationship but my dad still remains to be a constant source of support, encouragement, honesty, care,  and friendship.
I love spending time with my dad because he and I have the same sense of humor, in fact a lot of people would tell you that we are just alike in a lot of ways. We laugh and joke with each other, and inevitably egg each other on. But I can also talk to my dad about anything. He always listens and asks the important questions, and shares his opinion with me. My dad has always led our family to be in church, to serve with a glad heart, and to be active within the body. He has shown me that strength comes with kindness. He has taught me to honor God by working hard, and to show Christ in all that you do. And most of all he has shown me that love knows no end.
I am so blessed to have the Dad that I have, and I thank God for him all the time.

Gratefully growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why I love VBS

For those of you getting to know me one thing you will quickly find out is that I am VERY passionate about Vacation Bible School. I love that for one week each summer we have the opportunity as a church to be wild and crazy, fun and exciting and completely stray from the normal while learning with Jesus all with the excuse that its for VBS. It has been a joy in years past to see some of the more straight laced, serious adults in the church show their crazy, wacky side to the kids during the week of VBS. Adults that were once seemingly unapproachable or even scary now are no longer that way because now we can see they are just normal people like you and I.
And though this is one of my favorite parts of VBS, the true reason why I love VBS is simply this. We have the opportunity to spend 5 days straight telling the kids that come about Jesus. We have the opportunity to tell kids that may have never been inside the walls of a church before about an awesome savior who came to die for their sins. This is an AMAZING opportunity that I do not want to take for granted.
A few years back I heard a speaker talking about the importance of VBS, Shane Garrison is a professor at Campbells University and speaker who is very knowledgeable when it comes to the Bible. And the cool thing is, he was saved as a child at VBS.
One summer his grandparents were tired of him sitting at home doing nothing, so they decided to send him to the church down the street for their VBS. He had never been inside of a church before, he had no idea what they even did in there. His family didn't even have any grand purpose in sending him to VBS other than to just get him out of their hair for a few hours but God had a plan.
Here is his story:

We have the opportunity to be that bridge to the Gospel to the children in our community. And that is why I love VBS.

We are preparing for our VBS next week and I am absolutely looking forward to teaching each of the children that come on our campus about the awesome love of God. It may be stressful getting everything organized and prepared, recruiting staff and doing training, but the end result is so worth it all! The privilege of teaching the future generation about our awesome, amazing, loving God, that is why I get up in the morning, and that is why I love my job.

Looking forward to growing more in The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

adult choir

I arrived early to church this past Sunday evening to clean up/move some things. I had stashed a few of my VBS back drops behind the built in puppet stage and I had to move them out of the way for puppet practice tonight. 

Since I had to be at the church early to do that I decided to stick around for the hour until church starts. Though I do live super close, at the other end of the parking lot, I decided to forgo the trek back home. Instead I decided to sit in the sanctuary and listen to the adult choir practice. As I said in a prior post, this is the church I spent my formative years in. And as I sit here and look up into the choir loft I see new faces, well new to me, and I see faces of those who were in the choir 6 years ago when I was here last. In fact I see people in the choir who have been in there for many years. It is a testament to those who are faithful to their ministry. Every Sunday morning they are in the choir loft leading the worship and every Sunday evening they are at the practices, preparing for the next week. Many of these people  are ones I have looked up to, ones who have been models to me on what it means to be an active member of the church. I have been blessed to grow up in a church that had so many role models of what it means to serve in the ministry God has called you to.

I sat there humbled and blessed to see those faithful servants giving of their God given talents. Being in Children’s ministry myself, I am unable to be a part of the choir or, often times the adult worship service, but I still hold a great appreciation for those in the choir each week. This is another of those ministries that can often go unappreciated. The congregation just expects the choir to be there but they do not consider the time sacrificed or even all of the individuals it takes to make up the choir itself. I am so glad to be a part of a church that still sees the importance of a choir and it is just one more thing that gives me the comforting feeling of “home”. I am blessed to be in a church that worships our God through song together each service, with a dedicated group of servants to help lead us to the throne of God.

I want to do my part to help raise the next generation to recognize the importance of worshipping God through song, and of being a part of something like the adult choir. The Bible tells us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, and that is so easily done by singing with fellow Christians.

Looking forward to growing more together at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer of Weird

We are very close to beginning what we are calling the Summer of Weird here at The Grove. Now some of you in Kidmin may be asking, "What makes this summer more weird than any other summers?" You see all 3 of our major events for the summer all have the theme guessed it, weird.  And  I have to tell you that I am SUPER excited about our Summer of Weird. Here is a run down of what's going on.

Thursday Night Summer Series- Weird Stories of the Bible
During the summer we take a break from our normal AWANA programming and have a special series of lessons. This summer we have asked the different pastors on staff to choose their favorite weird story in the Bible to share with the kids. This excites me first of all because this will give the kids an opportunity to see our pastors in a different way. They will no longer be the men on the stage who are unapproachable. (Though I have to admit our pastors do a good job of trying to be approachable.) I am excited for the kids to be able to hear from each of these men and the lessons be directed completely to them. The second reason I am so excited about this summer series is that it is potentially a great way to reignite the desire in the kids to read their Bibles. At my last church we did a series on the weird stories of the Bible. It came out of a conversation I had with a 6th grade boy who told me that the Bible was boring and he wasn't going to read it because he had heard all of the stories already. I replied asking him if he had ever heard the story of King Eglon, the king who was so fat when he was stabbed the fat rolls swallowed up the sword. (Judges 3:12-31) He replied no, and said he would read the Bible if there were stories in there like that. That is just one example of a child who saw a glimpse of the many stories in the Bible and wanted more. It is my hope that after hearing the stories told in our Weird Stories of the Bible series that it will wet these children's appetite for God's Word. And lets be honest who wouldn't want to take a look at some of the weird things that happened.

Vacation Bible School- Weird Animals
We are doing Group Publishing's Weird Animals vbs this year. I chose this vbs before we came up with the idea for our Summer of Weird simply because I loved what it was teaching the kids. The main message of Weird Animals is that Jesus love is one of a kind. Each day the kids learn that Jesus loves us even in different situations like being afraid, feeling left out, when we don't understand, when we are different, and even when we do wrong. Kids hear so many reasons why they are not good enough, why they are not worthy of love or friendship. But we know the truth, Jesus loves us no matter what, and that is so important for kids to learn. It is so exciting to see that each of these truths are paired with a weird animal in God's creation that exhibit these truths. And it also teaches us that if God loves and accepts all of us, we should then love and accept those around us. I am so excited for another fun filled week of VBS!

Kids Camp- Weird (Because Normal isn't Working)
At our 3 day kids camp this year the kids are learning that living for Christ isn't normal according to the world's perspective. When we live the way God leads us to, people aren't going to understand. Jesus calls us to be different, to stand out, to be holy, to be weird! Over the course of the camp we will be looking at different people in the Bible who chose to follow God and be different, and how we too can follow their example and live the weird life of a Christian.

I know I have said it before but I am so excited for the Summer of Weird and all of the great fun and learning that will be going on here at The Grove. We would love to have you join us. Just give the church office a call and we will give you all the details.

Excited to be Growing at The Grove!!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Getting Caught Up in it All

I have just passed the two month mark in my time here at Liberty. I can honestly say that it has been a busy and hectic two months. Though I grew up in this church, after being gone for almost 6 years I am finding that there are a lot of things going on in the children's ministry that I am not clued in on, so I have been spending some of my time just finding out what is going on in the ministry. I also have VBS rapidly approaching, followed by our midweek summer series, and kids camp. And to add to the growing list of things to accomplish I am also in the process of increasing our ministry security and re-branding the ministry. As individual tasks these are all things I am excited about, but as a whole they can be quite a source of chaos and stress.

Last night I was invited to, and attended, the spring program for 6 of the kids in my ministry. They hadn't been told that I was coming and so my presence was a surprise to them. And when the program was over and they saw I was there I received big hugs from very excited children. And in that moment I was reminded why I do all of the many ministry things that I do. For each of these kids that God has placed within my ministry. I am still working to get to know all of them, and build relationships with them, but slowly I am making progress. My job is not just about the programming, the classes, the email to parents, and the hours spent in my office or in meetings. My job is about helping each of these precious children come to know Christ, to learn how God wants them to live, and encourage and equip them for the future they will face. I am here for them, and without them my job is pointless.

All too often it is easy to get caught up in it all. The deadlines, the projects due, the meetings to attend, and everything else. But I am glad that God keeps reminding me that its not about me and what I am doing, but about Him and what he is doing through me to help the children he has given me.

Graciously growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


As I sit here reflecting on this past Sunday, which was Mothers Day, I have begun to think about what it means to be a mom. I am not a mom myself, but if it is in God's plan for me, I may be one someday.

Moms come in all forms. They can be the woman who gave birth to you, the one who raised you as a child, the one who has your back, the one who loves you, the one who has helped you become who you are. And the cool thing is only 1 of those things has to do with biology. 

I have been blessed greatly in the mom area. I have a wonderful biological mom who has always been there for me. She has taught me, encouraged me, prayed for me, taken care of me when I am sick, loves me unconditionally, and has become one of my closest friends. But I also have an adoptive mom who took me in as a part of her family at a time I was far away from mine. I didn't meet my second mom until I was 24 years old but she made me feel like I was one of her children and that her other children were my siblings. She was there when I was sick, helped me when I had a problem, corrected me when I was wrong, and loved me unconditionally. Now that I have moved back to Indiana, and am actually living closer to my first mom, I am still considered a member of both families.

I have two strong, loving women to look to as my examples for life. Both show a strong faith in Christ and have a great testimony of what God has done in and through them. I know that if I had a problem I could look to both of these wonderful women and they would point me in the direction of the Bible and provide me Godly wisdom for my situation.

Proverbs 31:10-31 has this to say about a Godly wife, and mother.

A good woman is hard to find,
    and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
    and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
    all her life long.
She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
    and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
    and brings back exotic surprises.
She’s up before dawn, preparing breakfast
    for her family and organizing her day.
She looks over a field and buys it,
    then, with money she’s put aside, plants a garden.
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
    rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
    is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
    diligent in homemaking.
She’s quick to assist anyone in need,
    reaches out to help the poor.
She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows;
    their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.
She makes her own clothing,
    and dresses in colorful linens and silks.
Her husband is greatly respected
    when he deliberates with the city fathers.
She designs gowns and sells them,
    brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.
Her clothes are well-made and elegant,
    and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
    and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
    and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
    her husband joins in with words of praise:
“Many women have done wonderful things,
    but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
    The woman to be admired and praised
    is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves!
    Festoon her life with praises!

As I read through this passage again, I can see different hints of both of my mothers in this passage. God has blessed me richly with not only 1 mother like this but 2, it is rare, but a blessing. I hope that someday I be the example to someone else that these two ladies have been to me!

Thankful to be growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Throw Back to the Old School

As a Children's Ministry Director I am always reading articles, books, and blogs trying to learn something new or find out about the latest greatest trend or teaching tool. It is a wide world out there when it comes to ministry. The spectrum ranges from high tech, cutting edge to low tech, and simple. And to be honest there are great strengths and weaknesses to both sides.

We try to have a balance within our ministry the high tech with the low tech. Kids spend so much time in front of a screen, whether it be tv, computer, phone, or tablet, that we want to connect with them in a personal way. But we also know that kids today are so plugged in that they would become bored with no technology in the children's worship. So we strike the balance between the two, we mix the videos with a no tech game or lesson aid. Meeting the kids where they are and keeping them interested without losing them to pure entertainment is a constantly tilting balance, but one I am sure most in children's ministry face.

There are so many ministry tools and games that those of us who grew up in church remember. One of my favorites to pull out and use is the flannel graph with our preschool and early elementary kids. These kids think it is so cool to be able to move the pieces along with the story. They all take turns adding their part, or moving it as they story goes along. It is interactive without being tied to a computer.  I am working on a plan for our back to school kick off Sunday in which we bring back the old school children's church. For one Sunday we are going to pull out all of the old stuff that we used to do. We are gonna play overhead cell games, you know the predecessor to power point games. We are gonna sing the original children's church songs like deep and wide, praise ye the Lord, and I've got a river of life. We are gonna have a flannel graph lesson, and we will even have our puppets come out and do a skit or two. 15 years ago this would have been a typical service for us, but for our kids this will be a treat.We are blessed to have some of the same kids that grew up in the children's ministry of our church now serving with in that same ministry and I think they will enjoy the old school Sunday just as much as the kids.

Sometimes it is good to look at where we have come from to better enjoy and appreciate where we are. But its also good to look back and realize that no matter how The Bible is presented, its still the same word. Its still the same life changing truth, and we still serve the same God.

I am so thankful that together, we get to grow at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bus Ministry

One of the many things that I love about our children's ministry here at Liberty Baptist is that we have a bus ministry. There are not many churches out there that still run a bus ministry each week. For one reason or another they have been dropped from churches along the way. But it brings me such joy each week to see these kids pile off the buses, excited to learn from God's word. It is such an awesome opportunity to be able to bring these children to church when they ordinarily would not get the chance. We average 120-150 on our bus each week. As soon as these children enter our campus they become just like any other child, one of "our kids" that are loved and included.

But of course there are two sides to every story and with the joy also comes occasional difficulties. We are in the process of integrating a security check in system for our entire ministry. However most check in systems are made for ministries made up of drive in families and not really for a church with a bus ministry. It may only take a few moments for a parent to check in their 3-5 kids but it takes a lot longer for a bus captain to check in the 60 kids on their bus. So it is my current task to find a check in system that will allow us to check in our kids who ride the bus with the same amount of efficiency and time that it will take our kids who drive to church with their families.

No matter how these kids get to the church, they deserve to be safe and taken care of during their time there. The purpose of The Grove is to give our kids a place to belong, and part of belonging is knowing that you are safe, both emotionally and physically.

Thank you God that we can all grow together at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Going Home Again

Someone famous once said "you can’t go home again.” However I have found myself in that exact position. Less than 6 months ago God began to call me to come back to the church that I spent many of my formative years in. After spending close to 6 years at least 8 hours away, God pulled me back. I will be the first to admit that when this all began I was sure that this was not God’s will and that I would not actually be going anywhere, but after much prayer I came to the understanding that I was wrong and that God was in fact bringing me back home. 

I have been back in Indiana,and at Liberty for almost a month now, and I can say that I am beginning to get my bearings back and I feel like my feet are firmly beneath me again. But it has not been the smoothest of transitions and I know that there is still a lot ahead of me.

I am have come to the realization that when this famous person said that you cannot go home again, he was not actually talking about the physicality of going home. Instead I believe he was referring to the fact that things are always changing. You see I returned to the church that I spent almost 12 years at growing up,and though it is still at the same location, it is not the same church I left behind. There are new members, new men on staff, and even some renovations have happened. I did not return to a place that just picked up where I left off, instead it has been going on with out me and I am jumping in to the place where they now are. But in the same regard, I am not the same little girl that left those 6 years ago to conquer the world beyond Grant County. I have grown, developed, matured, and learned in my time away. And just as this is not the same home I left behind, I am not the same child that left home. So you see, this man was right, we can’t go home again because that home, that moment in time, is gone. And that person that left is gone as well. We may both be familiar, but that is all it can be. 

It has been an interesting time of transition for me. But I am trusting God and His will for me and this ministry He has placed me in.  I look forward to growing more in The Grove!

Miss Megan