Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CPC Recap

Just a short video recap of what I learned while I was away at The Children's Pastor's Conference last week.

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Childrens Pastor's Conference- Introduction

I am so excited because this week I have the privilege of attending Childrens Pastor's Conference or CPC for short. This is a nation wide conference that is held each year on the east side of the US and the west side. Pastors and Leaders from all over come together to hear from a group of leaders in the field of Children's Ministry. A lot of topics will be covered and a lot of networking will go on. I am so excited to learn more in order to help improve the Children's Ministry of Liberty. Some of the things I am learning here will be shared at our volunteer training on February 7th.

I plan to include a daily recap video for you, sharing some of the things I learned and experienced. I can tell you that after only 3 sessions of the pre-conference training, I have 3 pages of notes and my brain in working in overdrive on ideas.

I am SO glad that there are conferences like this put on by people who truly care about Childrens Pastors and their ministries. Ministry doesn't have be a  lonely island and I am absolutely looking forward to talking to other leaders and sharing with them what is going on in our ministry and learning more about what they are doing. We all have the same goal of reaching the next generation for Christ, and it is so energizing to hear the victories they are experiencing.

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Flop with the Mop

First of all let me start out by saying sorry for not keeping up with my posts. I missed two Wednesdays that I should have posted on here. And it is because of those circumstances that brought about today's topic.

I had a leader some time back, and  to be honest I don't remember exactly who it was, but their advice when it came to living in ministry is that you have to be able to be flexible, aka flop with the mop. This is something that I have tried to keep in mind when I go throughout my days and weeks. I will admit that sometimes are harder than others for me to be able to be flexible. Sometimes I want things to work out the way I planned and go so perfectly that I forget to just flop with the mop.

Life is full of circumstances that cause our plans and priorities to change. These past two weeks I have been working diligently on putting together and advertising a Life Size Candyland game that went on in our church's gym last night. I have also been trying to prepare for my absence in the office while I am gone to CPC East in Chattanooga. Both of these things on top of the normal day to day and week to week duties of being on a church staff already add a new to do list and need for time management. But then on top of that two of our families in the church lost family matriarchs and I went, along side of the others in our church staff, to show my support to the family and take part in mourning along side of them. This is a privilege I have that comes with being part of a church staff and I would not trade it. You see even though I had a long to do list of my own to accomplish, those things paled in comparison to the importance of supporting part of my church body in their time of loss. Instead of being stressed, I remember the wisdom in flop with the mop. At that exact moment in time, the mop flopped toward praying for and supporting those families. Please don't read this as me tooting my own horn, I am simply using this as an example of the lesson I have learned about flexibility.

This is just one example of how things change unexpectedly, and really that much of life is out of our control. However I choose to find peace in the fact that what goes on here in each of our lives is never out of God's control. So even though things aren't going the way I had planned, or if my priorities are called to change at the last minute. I don't need to stress, or worry, or get angry. I need to remember to be flexible, to trust God and to just flop with the mop. You never know how God can use the circumstances around you to teach you something, or to use you to teach or help  someone else. I want to always make myself available to be used by God, and that means that I need to be willing to let go of my will and be open to doing whatever God puts in my path.

Learning and Growing at The Grove
Miss Megan

Make sure to check back for pictures and more information about our Life Size Candyland that went on January 16th!