Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

I published this post last year on Christmas Eve, and it still holds just as true today!

Christmas Eve Service

One of the traditions I have at Christmas is one that I have gained within the last 10 years, that is the tradition of a Christmas Eve service. In the church I am currently in, and the one I previously served in, the Christmas Eve service was a family service. As a Children’s Pastor I absolutely believe in age specific classes for children on a regular basis, but there is something so special about families worshipping together on Christmas Eve. Just tonight I attended the Christmas Eve service at Liberty and I was reminded again how wonderful it is to have multiple generations of families celebrating the miracle of Christmas together. At first sight you would see a dimly lit, packed sanctuary. You would hear the rustling of people and the cries and talking of children. These things may seem like a distraction or even seem to take away from the “atmosphere” of the holiday. But to me it just makes it even more Christmas Eve. You see we know from the account in Luke 2 that Bethlehem was very crowded. In fact it was so crowded that Mary and Joseph could not find any room in an inn. The light wasn’t good and so the young couple was trying to find their way around the stable to the best that they could. I can imagine Joseph trying to make it seem more like a room for his young bride who was soon to deliver her son. 
Because Joseph and Mary were in a stable, in a crowded town, we can be pretty sure that things were far from quiet. There were probably babies crying out, overheard conversations, and even the animals making noise. It was far from a silent night, and definitely not as put together as a pretty nativity scene that we all observe each year. So hearing babies crying out or squeezing in a little closer than normal in a pew just reminds me of that miracle that happened so many years ago. The miracle of God coming to earth as a helpless baby in a less than perfect situation in a world with "no room" for Him. May these Christmas Eve services always remind me of the simple beginnings of Christmas and not allow me to get caught up in the elaborate celebrations.

It is because of this that Christmas Eve services are one of my favorite traditions at Christmas time. If you have never experienced this type of worship I would encourage you to find a church that does it. I have been blessed to serve in two churches that believe in worshipping as a family on Christmas Eve and it is something that has become very important to me.

Thankfully Growing at the Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Celebrating Christmas With the Family

First of all let me apologize for not keeping up with my blog posts. I guess you could say that I fell off the edge of the earth for a while. But don't worry I am back and quickly catching up.

Most of you probably know this about me but I love the Christmas season. I call it a season because I celebrate Christmas for at least the entire month of December if not longer.  There is so much to be done that I simply cannot fit it into just one day or even one week.

One of the big things about Christmas for me is celebrating with my family or families as it may be from year to year. I think this is so important because we are celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. And it is through his birth and eventual death that we get to truly have a family relationship with God. Jesus came to take away our sins once and for all and to reconnect us with God the Father in a real way. We can now have the Father/child relationship that God always wanted with us. And that is definitely something to celebrate.

 I hope that each of you take the time to enjoy celebrating Christmas with your family, whoever that may be.

Continually Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Why I Celebrate Advent

I love Christmas, and there are many traditions that I have when it comes to the Christmas season. Celebrating Advent is one of those traditions. I love the counting down to Christmas, and doing it in a way that celebrates the birth of our Savior.

The Israelite people were waiting and looking for the promised Messiah for many years, there were descriptions given to them of what this Messiah was going to be like. And with great anticipation they waited. I believe that we too should have a sense of anticipation when it comes to celebrating Christmas.
Counting down the Sundays leading to Christmas and taking time out to focus on Jesus is a great way to get you and your family into the spirit of the true meaning of Christmas. There are some more traditional ways to celebrate advent that have to do with the lighting of the candles, and then there are devotionals that help us to focus and celebrate in the same way.

Each year I try to supply some type of advent devotional for the families in my ministries so that together they can spend time celebrating and anticipating the birth of our Savior. There was so much that went into the foretelling, conception,  announcements, and birth of Jesus that it is hard to sum it up all at once. Taking the whole month to truly appreciate the whole of these events is a great way to celebrate, in my opinion.

I hope that each of you take the time this month to celebrate the greatest gift of Christmas, our Savior sent as a baby to earth.

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lessons Learned

I am continually reminded that valuable lessons are being taught each week to the children in our churches. These lessons are not only for kids, they are also ones that we as adults need to be reminded of.

Today I had the privilege of teaching preschool chapel at Lakeview today. This month they are learning about being thankful. This is a topic that always gets plenty of coverage during the month of November. However, thankfulness is something that should be observed every day.

I am reminded of a song found on the Veggie Tales Madame Blueberry episode.

I thank God for this day,
For the sun in the sky,
For my mom and my dad,
For my piece of apple pie!
For our home on the ground,
For His love that's all around,
That's why I say thanks every day!
Because a thankful heart is a happy heart
I'm glad for what I have,
That's an easy way to start!
For the love that He shares,
'Cause He listens to my prayers,
That's why I say thanks every day

This is a habit that we all should add to our lives. A lesson from childhood that is not to be forgotten, taking time to thank God every day.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Following God...

We all go through times were it feels as if we are in the dark, we are lost and have little or no clue where our life is going. As Christians we have 
the promise that we do not have to go through life alone. In Psalm 23 we see that God is our Shepherd leading us everywhere we are to go.

Psalm 23 (with emphasis)
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk

    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

All we need to do is to trust and follow God. There will be times when he seems silent, but remember he is always right beside us, holding our hand and leading the way. 

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Value of Prayer

A lot of times you hear stories of how people were blessed by someone praying for them, and how they felt those prayers in a time they needed it most. And I too can share stories of how I have had those times myself. But lately God has been reminding me of the joy and blessing that comes from praying for someone. 

I have a notebook in which I keep a list of people that I pray for daily, and on subsequent pages I list out specific prayer needs that come up. Each day I pray through these pages and I love this time spent talking to the God of the universe about the little and big things going on in our lives. 

Recently I have begun the prayer campaign with the church and I have found myself looking forward to that portion of my prayer time. In fact there have been times when I read the page for that day first and then after praying the scripture over my teens I went back and prayed it for my entire list as well. I know that I have no power in my prayers. They are just words issuing from my mouth. But my God has more power than is imaginable and he has promised that his word will not return void. He has promised that when we call out to him he will answer. And I am banking on those promises as I pray. 

Prayer is a blessing for both sides, the ones praying and the ones being prayed for. I hope that every Christian gets to experience this blessing from both sides in a real way.

Gratefully Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Taking Time

I missed posting here last week because I was on vacation. It was very enjoyable and I was sad to see it end. But one thing that being on vacation reminded me of is that all of us need to take time every now and then to just get away from our day to day grind. You do not have to go far away, in fact you do not have to go anywhere at all if you don't want to. But what we all need is to have some time a day, or two every now and again to stop checking our phones and email, leave the housework, and job behind, and just rest and rejuvenate. This looks different for everyone. For some it may be reading a book, for others it might be exploring somewhere new, it could be going shopping with friends, for others it might be getting a full nights rest and maybe even a nap. Whatever you need to do to take time for yourself, make sure that you make the time to do that. This is the example we were given by God during creation. He took time to rest, and so why should we feel the need to work harder than God?

Gracefully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Seeds Taking Root

Today on Facebook I saw a picture of two of the kids in my ministry dressed up for career day at their school. The kids were asked to dress up as what they want to be when they grow up. One of the children dressed up as a pastor, just so he could carry his Bible around school all day today. This is definitely one of those moments that is encouraging to a children's minister like me. Not because it is something that I can take credit for, but because it is something I can praise God for. God promises us that he will not forsake us, that we will not labor in vain. God promises us that fruit will come from our work, even if we never get to see it. Well this is one of those moments were we can thank God for a glimpse of seeds taking root in this little boy's heart. Seeds of truth planted by his parents, family, Sunday School teachers, children's church leaders, awana workers, and other people of influence in his life. Seeds of the truth of who God is and what he wants for us, the truth of The Gospel!

I am so grateful that God gives us these little glimpses of the seeds of faith taking root in these children's lives. It is such an encouragement to carry on planting the seeds, to keep pouring the truth into these little lives, because one day God will grow it into something amazing!

Grateful to be Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Beautiful in its Time

Every year when I make out my calendar for the year I fill some of the empty spaces with quotes and verses to encourage me. This week the verse in my planner was Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Every time I hear this verse I am reminded of the waiting portion that is implied in the verse. If you live in Indiana like me, or even any northern state, you know the long winters that we have. The seemingly endless waiting that we go through to stop seeing snow and feeling cold.  Growing up I always had a marker point which I knew that spring was here and winter was finally over. Every spring there were these little blue and purple flowers that popped up in our front yard. I am pretty sure that they are weeds of some sort, but as a child I didn't care. I would look out our front door window every day searching to see if they had popped up in the yard. The excitement I felt was probably way more than it should have been but never the less it was there each year as I spotted those little flowers. After the long winter I was rewarded with a sure sign of spring. God had made the earth beautiful again just in time.

This is also true in our daily lives.  Every one goes through times of long "winter" where things aren't as we would like for them to be. A time that we may refer to as suffering, or waiting. This may seem like an endless period of time, and often we may feel like giving up. But we must hold to the promise that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:11. Just like God provided a sign of winter coming to an end with the little blue flowers in my yard, he is faithful to provide us a sign as well. He has promised to make everything beautiful in its time. Any situation we face, any problem we have, any period of "winter" we go through. At just the right time God will turn it into something beautiful. We just have to hold on to the promise and wait. I know its easier than it sounds, but its true. Believe in God's promise!

Blessed to be Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Running Dry

Have you ever been working outside on a hot day and you reach for your water bottle to get a bit of refreshment only to find that your bottle is empty? I have, and its a disappointing feeling. Sometimes there is even the feeling of anger that the water is gone. But we all know that there is no one to blame but ourselves, we cant blame the bottle it is an inanimate object. And the bottle cant become angry with us for being used up.  The correct response would be to go and fill the bottle back up with water so that it can be used again.
Sometimes this is how we treat life. We use up the talents that we have (the water) and when we run dry or run out of steam, we get angry and upset that its gone. We get angry at the job or the ministry that we feel has sucked "the life" out of us. We blame everyone but ourselves. The truth for the water is the truth in our lives, if we do not take the time to refill what we have used, we will always run dry. The more you pour out of your time and talents the more you need to also take the time to be refilled and refreshed. God gives us equal opportunities to be refilled as he does to use our talents. We just have to be willing to be refilled and refreshed. 

Don't be an angry water bottle. Use the opportunities God gives you.

Continually Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Baby Burst

We have been blessed with lots of babies being born into our children's ministry. That is definitely a blessing. There is no better way that I know than growing a church from birth.  But with this awesome blessing comes added responsibility. Having 30 children under the age of 2 presents the need for more workers, and especially workers who are willing to diaper, clean up, walk, and even chase the children. I do have to admit that we have a great team of workers now that give up service hours to minister to these children, and their parents. But there is always room for one more.

Many people see classes for children this small as simply childcare. But that is not the truth at all. You see these children may not be able to leave their class and tell you a full Bible story but they can let you know that they feel safe, and loved while they are at church. These children are gaining the foundation that the church is the place where they are loved, where they are safe, and where they are taken care of. And if we are honest as adults, these are the same things we want to feel about church as well.

Classes for kids this age, and even older also have another purpose. It allows the moms and dads to have time away from their kids to refresh themselves, to focus on their own spiritual growth, and to have adult conversations. In a new mom's life that can be like gold! To help mould the spiritual lives of these children we also need to be helping their parents. Another added blessing of having a baby burst is that we have lots of families that are in the same boat, going through the same phase of life together. They are able to understand and support each other in ways that the rest of us fall short. It is truly amazing how God works these things out.

Continually Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Getting Bogged Down

In ministry it is often easy to get bogged down by all of the things you have going on. In those really busy times, all too often we can become discouraged that we cant get everything done or if we can get it done it wont be good enough. And it is in those times that what would normally be criticism that rolls off your back, now seems like a weight that is dragging you under. I know I have personally had those times in my life and ministry.
One way that I try to combat being bogged down by the weight of criticism and busyness is to keep scripture up around me. One such scripture is Romans 8:31 which says, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" This reminds me that I have God on my side and that he will fight along side me against anything that I face. And he is the almighty creator of the universe so nothing can stand against his power.

Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we have an almighty God on our side, that we aren't really alone in it all, and that He is willing to fight for us.

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kids Camp

This time last week we were hauling our first load of supplies out to Rainbow Christian Camp in Converse, to our camp site for the next few days. Coming right off the end of a week long missions trip, I was a bit tired but more than that I was excited for the days ahead. I love camp! I love the opportunities that come from camp. We have the opportunity to build relationships with the kids present and to disciple them. I once heard that change comes through relationships. That is something that I try to pass on to the leaders at camp so that through the relationships they build with the kids, real life change will happen.

We had an awesome week with about 75 kids and 25 adults in attendance. Brad Merchant taught the kids on Psalm 23. Each child heard how God is their shepherd, always with them providing for their needs, protecting them, and even saving them and offering them eternal life.

I know that only a week has passed and probably just now are we all caught up on the lost sleep, but I am ready to do it all over again!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Teaching Little Hearts

This week I have the privilege of teaching the preschoolers during VBS in Davis City, Iowa. Most of the kids in this community do not go to church anywhere because there are not a whole lot of Bible teaching churches in the area, in fact in the two towns we are visiting, there are only 3. I am so blessed to be able to introduce these little hearts to my savior! This week they have been learning that God should be the guide of their life and that they can trust him to lead them in what is right and what is best for them.   It is my prayer that I am able to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of these precious little ones. I am so glad I am able to be used by God to teach this amazing group of kids.
Our verse for this week is  "God will help me know what to do". Isaiah 30:21 (paraphrased)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Family Missions

This summer on Thursday nights, the kids have been learning about how missionaries help those in other parts of the world, and how they can be missionaries.

Somewhere along the way I picked up this definition of a missionary that I have been sharing with the kids each night as we learn. " A missionary is someone who goes somewhere to tell another person about Jesus love, no matter if it is across the hall, across the street, across town, across the country, or across the world." I want each of these kids to know that they can be a missionary, and that it doesn't have to wait until they are grown ups. Every one can share the love of God with someone else.

During my lifetime I have had the opportunity to go on mission trips to other locations. And some of my favorite trips have been those where families are ministering together. One such trip was one where a group from the church I was attending went to another state to do Vacation Bible School for the kids and teens in that community. You would think that this would be a job just for adults, as they would be the ones doing the teaching. But we had whole families that went, and so the kids were given a job to do at VBS as well. Their job was to show the love of God through friendship. The kids we took had already experienced this VBS so now they were to help the others around them understand the stories we were telling. They got to be the ones to play with the kids and begin conversations about the God they were hearing about. Everyone on that missions team had a job to do, including the kids. And I have to tell you that watching the kids on our team, play and talk with the kids in the community was a joyful thing to see. Connections were made that would have had no place had we not brought peers for the kids in the community. And the joy on the faces of the kids on the team is almost indescribable. No one is too little, or too young to share God's love with someone else. I wish that more families would embrace this pattern of ministering together through missions. It doesn't have to be going to a foreign country. Family missions opportunities can come through serving at a homeless shelter, a nursing home, or even partnering with an intercity ministry.

I would like to encourage you as parents and grandparents to seek out opportunities where your whole family can serve together. Show your kids that missions work knows no age limit. I can promise that the work may be hard but will definitely be rewarding!

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

I love looking up creative or silly holidays and filling up my calendar with them. It makes the weeks more interesting, and sometimes it even coincides with an event I can do with the kids in my ministry. Since we do not have a Wednesday midweek service, I guess I will have to pass on celebrating this particular holiday with all of my kiddos.

Those of you who know me, know that I enjoy doing crazy, silly things with the kids not only because, lets face it, I am a big kid myself, but also because all too often we get caught up in the programming and lessons, and forget to take the time to just have fun with our kids. Now don't get me wrong, I think that Bible lessons are the most important thing we do at church each week, but I also know that it is through the fun and even silly times that memories are made and relationships are built.

So if I were to celebrate Creative Ice Cream Flavors day, it would probably go a little something like this. I would get a bunch of vanilla ice-cream for the kids, because that is the best base for building flavors, and then lay out a whole bunch of toppings and syrups. After each kid builds their very own flavor filled concoction. We will then talk about why they chose the flavors they did. And why different is good. And the truth is different is good, because God made us all different. There may be things about us that are similar, just like there are toppings that were used that are similar but no one person, or ice-cream is exactly the same. We have an awesome, creative creator who made us all different and we can celebrate that.  And we can celebrate that he made us all creative too, even if it only extends to ice cream flavor creating.

Creatively Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vacation Bible School

Last week was our Vacation Bible School. This year we used Standard Publishing's Bible Blast to the Past. The Saturday before, we began the process of transforming our church into part time travel, part Bible lands.


I was excited to have our kids experience a little of what it was like during the time that David fought Goliath, or when Paul and Silas escaped from prison. Having the kids get an idea of what it was like to live in Bible times was a great learning experience. Each night our kids learned a little more about God's love for them. One of the things that I loved about this VBS was that everything the kids did each day reflected back on what the point of the day was.

We averaged 90 kids each night at our Vacation Bible School and it was great to have a consistent number to work with, it allowed our leaders to really build relationships with the kids in their groups.

I love VBS because it gives the church a great opportunity to open up to their community in a non-threatening way and plant the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of the kids and families.

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Coloring Outside the Lines

I was recently talking to a friend who serves as a Sunday School teacher at her church. Through facebook, I see each week the completely awesome things that her 2nd graders experience. In the midst of our visit we began discussing Sunday School curriculum. My friend expressed to me that the curriculum her church has currently chosen is not enough for her and so she researches during the week to see what else she can add to it to make the class come alive. This is not a singularity in churches, so many teachers I have spoken to in a variety of places struggle with getting enough ideas and content from just one curriculum. However, one of the things that I have also heard in accordance to this issue is that these teachers use the curriculum they are given as an outline and then color a bit outside the lines with added content. I am big on encouraging this with those I serve with. There is a wide world of Children's Ministry resources out there.

Just like a child sitting down with a large box of crayons, there are lots of colors (resources) out there to use to make our picture each week come alive. If we were to only stick to the 8 count basics, our picture would have color but it would not be nearly as vibrant as it could be if we use all the colors we are given.

I believe that sometimes in life some of the masterpieces that make the Lord proud are when we color a bit "outside the lines." God gives us rules and directions on how to live a life that pleases Him. He also gave us all talents, desires, and creativity in our own way. It is how we use these other things in our lives in harmony with the directions, our outline, that God has given us that create the most colorful masterpieces that give glory to our creator. When we use all the resources, talents, gifts that the Lord has given us to color our lives, we bring him glory and we also point the world around us to the creator of it all!

Ive heard a quote said before that we should use up every last drop of the gifts and talents that God has given us so that when we meet him face to face we can say with confidence that we are empty. I want to face my savior knowing that I have used what he has given me in the most creative way possible. I want to be known for coloring outside the lines.

Creatively Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Thursday, May 28, 2015

As Time Goes By

As I am sure is the case in many churches around the nation, school years are ending and we as a children's ministry are approaching promotion Sunday. Our kids are so excited to have finished another grade in school and can't wait to move on to the next Sunday School class, and for our 6th graders, to move up to the jr.high classes. As a leader this is a bittersweet time for me because I am excited to see these kids grow both physically and spiritually, but I am sad that some of them are moving beyond my ministry and up to the youth group.

I began serving within the children's ministry at my church as an eighth grader. So I personally have been through alot of promotion Sundays. But it wasn't until I was in college, and serving along side some of the "kids" that I had taught, that I began to realize that time passes way too quickly.

When most people hear that I am over a ministry that spans 12 years in a child's life I normally get comments like "wow thats a long time!". And to tell you the truth, yes in numeric years, it does seem like a long time. But seeing a child move from the nursery to a toddler class, then to the preschool worship, and then progress upstairs with the early elementary, then to the older elementary, then preteen class, and finally graduate to the youth group, well lets just say there have been alot of happy and proud tears shed over that child. And though it may seem like a long time from an outsiders perspective, from the position I am in, it flies by entirely too fast.

Though I reminisce the times when "my kids" were younger and am sad they are not that way anymore, I cannot help but be proud of who they are becoming. It is so awesome to see the teen, and young adults that God is shaping each of them in to, and I feel extremely blessed that God let me have a small role in helping them along that journey.  And lets be honest, they will always be "my kids" no matter how old they get!

Continually Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things Preschool Edition

I am sharing a few of my favorite resources/tools to use when teaching Preschoolers. Please ignore the apparently angry face I have in the thumbnail for this video. After trying to change it repeatedly, I guess its just the way it wants to be.
Hope you enjoy!

The Journey- Summer 2015

My Absence

No need to worry, I did not in fact fall off the face of the earth!
I have to apologize to all of you for my lack of posts lately. I seemed to have hit a bit of writers block. I have about 4 posts started on my desk top but none of them get much past the first paragraph. And so I have not posted anything for a bit. But I did want to reassure you that I am still here. I am filming a couple of videos this afternoon and so I should have one up and ready for your viewing by this evening.

Let me also take this opportunity to say thank you for reading and watching the things I post on this blog. I am simply a young children's director in the small town of Sweetser, Indiana and I am humbled and thankful that you care about what I have to say.

Now back to work I go!

Gracefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Don't Go to Church

I know, I know, you saw the title of this post and you thought to yourself, "Has she lost her mind?!" Actually, no. 

I came across the graphic above while searching for children's lessons one day and it really resonated with me. You see I am always talking to parents about consistency in bringing their kids to church and putting them in class. Going to church is a habit that we want to last for a life time. But all too often we get caught up in the belief that going to church is enough. And though it is important that'ts not all there is to it. You see the "church" as we call it is just a building. In the case of my church, Liberty Baptist, its a very nice building. But none the less still a building. What makes this building special or important is the people who come there and the things that are taught. And though I am partial to this particular place, these things can occur anywhere. In fact this is a nation wide occurrence, individuals gathering in some form of building or another to teach and learn from God's word.  So, getting back to why I say don't go to church. I am not telling you to quit attending a gathering of believers. I am instead asking you to change your perspective and ponder the second sentence in this graphic. Be the church.

What does that even mean?

What does it look like to be the church?

It is my belief that being the church is more of a lifestyle that a scheduled weekly occurrence. In order to be the church we must be willing to present ourselves as the bride of Christ and act in a way that represents Him. There are many ways that Jesus demonstrated how we should live during his time here on earth. We are to help the sick, needy and downtrodden. Not only by praying for them but by helping with our time, treasures, and talents. We are to care for the orphaned and widows, we are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ the same as we would help our biological family. We are to share the truth of the gospel in love. I must do my part to be a physical representation of Christ in my daily life. 

It is my goal to have people know I am a Christ follower not because I have a scheduled attendance at a building, but because I live a life that points to my Savior. I don't just want to got to church, I want to be the church.

Will you join me?

Thoughtfully Growing at The Grove.

Miss Megan

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who I Am

My identity could be easily defined with these labels; daughter, friend, co-worker, and children's minister. All of these are true, and they all do define an aspect of me. There are some others that may not seem so great that also are accurate; sinner, stranger, outcast, slave. Just like the first set of labels these also only define an aspect of me. I should not look to any one of these singular labels to define the whole of my identity.

On Thursday night I have been leading a ladies Bible study looking at the book of Ephesians. This book begins with Paul telling the readers aka you and I who we are in Christ. He lays out for them, and for us how we should define our identity. In short, we are adopted children of the one true and mighty King, co-hiers with Jesus Christ, and his treasured inheritance.

Because of God's love for me, and for you as well, I no longer have to live with separated from a relationship with God. No longer must I be a slave to sin, he has purchased me with Christ's blood on the cross. No longer must I be a stranger, I am welcomed into the family as an adopted child.  No longer am I an outcast only on the outside looking in, I am welcomed with open arms with full benefits. No longer must I be called a sinner, for I have been redeemed!

There are so many voices in the world today that want to tell us who we are or even what we are worth. I must daily remind myself that God has already told me who I am. I must do my best to live in the identity that He has given me.

I am a blessed daughter of the King of Kings!

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

No Place Like Home

I was blessed to be able to return home to Memphis for a few days to recharge my batteries and be encouraged by loved ones before I head into the craziness that is summer in Children's Ministry. It has been so great to spend time with people that I love and who love me and to catch up on what has been going on in their lives since I last talked to them. 

Being back here has reminded me that all of us, as Christians, are spending our days away from our permanent home. Each of us has a home in Heaven that is waiting for us. There we will find loved ones and friends who have gone before us. We will get the privilege of catching up with them, hearing what life has been like since we parted. I know I can't wait to see so many people that I have known and loved that have been experiencing the joy of Heaven without me. But I know that someday I will get to join them. 

Mercy Me released a song back in 2004 called Homesick. In this song they are talking about how they have lost loved ones and people close to them and how it makes them long for Heave even more. The line that stands out to me the most is in the chorus which says, 
                                   "If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place. 
                                    Lord, won't you grant me strength to make it through somehow. 
                                    I've never been more homesick than now." 

We all have experienced a longing to see those we love once again. And most of us have probably even yearned for a location because of the memories or excitement it held. And that is what Heaven is like for us as Christians. We are looking toward a place that is perfect beyond our imaginations. In Heaven there will be no more sadness, no more pain, no more death. We will have the opportunity to spend eternity worshipping at the feet of Jesus along side those whom we love. If that doesn't make you long for Heaven I don't know what will. 

Though I may be homesick for my family and friends in Memphis from time to time, my heart's true longing is for my eternal home, one that is indescribable, and unimaginable. Its true what they say, there really is no place like home!

Gracefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You never know the impact you are going to make in someone's life! Last night we had our first VBS volunteer training, and one of the things that I emphasized to our volunteers is to take advantage of every opportunity to build a relationship with the kids coming to VBS. I reminded them that it doesn't take big gestures to make an impression on someone's life. 

One of the people that made a big impression on my life in a seemingly small way were my 4th grade Sunday School teachers. They always took the time to ask us how our week was going and talk to us about whatever was going on. But the big thing for my 4th grade heart was the fact that whenever we had a birthday in our class they brought in root beer and ice cream for black cows. That may not seem like a big deal, and to be honest as an adult its not earth shaking, but as a 4th grader that was the coolest thing that our teachers would do that to make us feel special and celebrated! I still recall those times fondly after all these years.

Another person that impacted my life but is instead a family. The Cooper family lost their oldest daughter to a car accident about 5 years ago. And instead of letting hurt and bitterness take over, they decided to turn this tragedy into a blessing for others. In honor of their daughter, the Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation was formed. The Coopers have used this foundation to help families who have lost a child, whose child has been born with cleft lip or palate, or who have had to deal with childhood leukemia. The light of Christ is shining brightly through the Cooper family, and I know that their faith has made an impact on more people than just me. But also knowing the Coopers I know that this was not their intention when they started out, they just wanted to honor Brianna and give back some of the generosity that was shown to them in their hour of need. 

The final person that I will share that has made a huge impact on my life, through little things he did was my grandpa. Every time I spoke to my grandpa we wouldn't end the conversation without him telling me that he was proud of me. When I would go and visit him, I would hear from the people around him that he had been telling them about me and what I was doing. He showed me that he loved me and supported whatever I was doing by his words and actions. It wasn't any grand gestures, or large gifts. It was simply being reminded every time we spoke that he was proud of me. And when I faced hard times, times when I thought I wasn't good enough to do the job ahead of me, or times when I was discouraged by the events going on in my life, I had those conversations to draw on. I knew that no matter what was going on in my life that I had at least one person who was proud of me and who loved me. And even though my grandpa has been gone now for a few years, I still hold on to and cherish those few words spoken to me.

These are just a few examples of people who made an impact on my life. There are many others as well that I have not mentioned. But it is because of these people that I now strive to be intentional in realizing that I am making an impact on those around me. It is not just the children in my ministry, or my volunteers, it is those I work with, my friends and family, and those I encounter throughout my life. I want to leave a positive impact on peoples lives and not a negative one.

So now I ask you, who has made an impact on your life? Whose life are you impacting? Is it positive or negative?

Daily Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan

Monday, March 30, 2015

Knowing My Master's Voice

There are so many things about the story of Easter morning and the events following that are so completely awesome! Just the way that God chose to orchestrate the whole turn of events speaks to his awesome power. But there is one part of the story that no matter how many times I read it still makes me pause in awe and wonder. In John's account of the resurrection of Christ, he tells of how may was crying outside the empty tomb and Jesus appeared to her.
                                 John 20:11-18 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she
                                 wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in 
                                 white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the 
                                 other at the foot. They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?"
                                 "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know were
                                  they have put him." At this, she turned around and saw Jesus 
                                  standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked
                                  her, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
                                  Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried 
                                  him away, tell me where you have put him and I will get him."
                                  Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in

                                  Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means "Teacher"). Jesus said, "Do not
                                  hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead

                                  to my brothers and tell them, `I am ascending to my Father and your
                                  Father, to my God and your God.'" Mary Magdalene went to the 
                                  disciples with the news:  "I have see the Lord!" And she told them
                                  that he had said these things to her.

The part of this that always grabs me is when Mary is so upset and distressed and all Jesus has to do is say her name and she immediately realizes its him. She knows her Master's voice, and she knows the sound of her name when spoken by him. And all of a sudden you see everything change. Instead of panic and worry, Mary is clearly relieved and rejoicing. Jesus had to tell her not to cling to him most likely because her first instinct was to jump up and hug him close to her. To celebrate that he came back to life just as he said he would. A moment of despair, grief and confusion changed in an instant when she heard Jesus say her name.
 This reminds me of earlier in the book of John when Jesus is speaking about the good shepherd and how the sheep know his voice and follow him. To hear my God speak my name audibly would rock my world. And it is my hope that the relationship I am building and growing in Him will cause me to know his voice when he speaks to me. Even in the times of deepest despair or trials I want to be like Mary and be stopped and shaken out of my panic by the simple sound of my Lord calling my name. I know that I may never hear Jesus speak to me audibly this side of Heaven, but I do want to recognize my Master's voice when he speaks to me in a still small voice within my heart. 

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Full Circle

Last week, I met with a college student to discuss the possibility of her joining us this summer to complete her practicum hours. As I was preparing for the meeting I was reminded of my own time spent right here at Liberty doing my own hours, and learning so much more about ministry than what was being taught in the classroom. I am not saying I didn't learn a lot in the classroom, or even that it was sub par. But there is nothing like learning ministry first hand from someone in the trenches. It was through my time spent physically doing ministry instead of studying ministry that I began to come into my own as a leader and a teacher. I was blessed to have Ryan as my Children's Pastor, he wanted me to experience all there was to experience in my time working for him. He knew that there were alot of diverse things that you encounter in this ministry and he wanted me to experience all that I could while under his supervision.

Now as I am the Children's Director and I face having a college student come work under me, I see that this experience has come full circle. Now I am thinking of ways that I can teach this student about ministry, give her experiences that will enrich her learning, and build upon what she has been taught in the classroom. Just as I had a great leader to work under, I want to be that type of leader now.

I believe that God give us these full circle times for 2 reasons. First to allow us to repay or pay forward what was done for us. There was no way that I could repay Ryan for all of the time he spent training me or for the things he allowed me to experience. However I can use the knowledge I was given and pass it on to someone else in the same way.  The second reason I believe God allows us these full circle times is to show us how far we have come. This should not be a time to give glory to ourselves, but to remind us of the path that God has led us on, to show us how we have been brought from one place to another and grown in the process. 

I am so thankful to be in a place of a full circle. I hope that God continues to give me times like these where I can reflect on where I have come from and pass on some of the lessons I have learned along the way.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Not So Lonely Island

After quite an exciting discussion with some of my fellow staff members after lunch a few days ago, I've been churning an idea over in my head. We were discussing working together as a team to build up each other's ministries because in the end it benefits their ministry, our ministry, the church as a whole, and the body of Christ. We do not have to go it alone in ministry, or at least we shouldn't have to. And this truth goes beyond the 4 walls of the church as well. I have to say that I feel blessed to be living and serving in this time in history, because we have the internet which provides us with shared ideas and connects us to others in ministry. We do not have to feel like we are alone in our problems or successes because there is someone else out there struggling with the same or similar things, or someone who has found the solution. There are people whose strengths match up with your weaknesses and can help you make the most of your ministry. I am frequently on the I Love Kidmin facebook page, reading what other children's ministry leaders and volunteers are discussing. And when I can I like to chime in on the conversation. It is so awesome to think that I can talk to a fellow children's leader on the other side of the country about something that is going on in both of our churches. There are many people I may never meet in person, but I have had the privilege of building a relationship with through this common calling.

It makes me sad to see ministers feel as if they are all alone. We all struggle with our unique problems that arise in our churches and ministries, but we do not have to go through it alone. I would like to encourage you, if you feel you are alone in ministry, to go online and check out some of the online communities that are growing up.  I will place a link a the bottom of this page, to 2 of the ones that I frequent most often.

Another way to step off your lonely island is to attend conferences. I understand that some childrens ministries operate under strict to non existent budgets. But there are small conferences out there that are little to no cost to you. Its not necessarily about who the big name speakers are, its about connecting to other ministers around you. Some of the best lessons I have learned, and the strongest inspiration has come from conversations I have had with fellow children's ministry workers. If it is possible set aside some money each year so that you can splurge with a big conference every 2-3 years. After attending CPC (Children's Pastor's Conference) I believe it is something that every children's leader needs to experience at least once. The focus is to inspire and refresh the leaders there through worship, teaching, and encouragement. And I can most definitely say that you will not walk away from that conference feeling like you are alone in ministry!

Connecting with the other Children's leaders in your commmunity is a great way to be reminded that we are not lonely islands of ministry. It doesnt have to be anything elaborate or ceremonious. I have been a part of community meetings that take place once a quarter at a local restaurant. We all gather in the back room of the restaurant and talk about whats going on in each of our ministries over lunch. Its simple, and yet I always walked away feeling connected and encouraged. If you want to make it a little more personal, each church involved can host a meeting at their church and after eating can give a tour of their children's area. Lets face it, who doesn't want to peek at what the other churches have going on? There are many ways that you can connect to the other children's ministers in your area and build a strong community that is there to support each other as we go through the journey of ministry.

I hope this has been an encouragement to you, or at least a reminder that we do not have to be lonely islands in ministry!

Graciously Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

CM Connect