Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who I Am

My identity could be easily defined with these labels; daughter, friend, co-worker, and children's minister. All of these are true, and they all do define an aspect of me. There are some others that may not seem so great that also are accurate; sinner, stranger, outcast, slave. Just like the first set of labels these also only define an aspect of me. I should not look to any one of these singular labels to define the whole of my identity.

On Thursday night I have been leading a ladies Bible study looking at the book of Ephesians. This book begins with Paul telling the readers aka you and I who we are in Christ. He lays out for them, and for us how we should define our identity. In short, we are adopted children of the one true and mighty King, co-hiers with Jesus Christ, and his treasured inheritance.

Because of God's love for me, and for you as well, I no longer have to live with separated from a relationship with God. No longer must I be a slave to sin, he has purchased me with Christ's blood on the cross. No longer must I be a stranger, I am welcomed into the family as an adopted child.  No longer am I an outcast only on the outside looking in, I am welcomed with open arms with full benefits. No longer must I be called a sinner, for I have been redeemed!

There are so many voices in the world today that want to tell us who we are or even what we are worth. I must daily remind myself that God has already told me who I am. I must do my best to live in the identity that He has given me.

I am a blessed daughter of the King of Kings!

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

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