After quite an exciting discussion with some of my fellow staff members after lunch a few days ago, I've been churning an idea over in my head. We were discussing working together as a team to build up each other's ministries because in the end it benefits their ministry, our ministry, the church as a whole, and the body of Christ. We do not have to go it alone in ministry, or at least we shouldn't have to. And this truth goes beyond the 4 walls of the church as well. I have to say that I feel blessed to be living and serving in this time in history, because we have the internet which provides us with shared ideas and connects us to others in ministry. We do not have to feel like we are alone in our problems or successes because there is someone else out there struggling with the same or similar things, or someone who has found the solution. There are people whose strengths match up with your weaknesses and can help you make the most of your ministry. I am frequently on the I Love Kidmin facebook page, reading what other children's ministry leaders and volunteers are discussing. And when I can I like to chime in on the conversation. It is so awesome to think that I can talk to a fellow children's leader on the other side of the country about something that is going on in both of our churches. There are many people I may never meet in person, but I have had the privilege of building a relationship with through this common calling.
It makes me sad to see ministers feel as if they are all alone. We all struggle with our unique problems that arise in our churches and ministries, but we do not have to go through it alone. I would like to encourage you, if you feel you are alone in ministry, to go online and check out some of the online communities that are growing up. I will place a link a the bottom of this page, to 2 of the ones that I frequent most often.
Another way to step off your lonely island is to attend conferences. I understand that some childrens ministries operate under strict to non existent budgets. But there are small conferences out there that are little to no cost to you. Its not necessarily about who the big name speakers are, its about connecting to other ministers around you. Some of the best lessons I have learned, and the strongest inspiration has come from conversations I have had with fellow children's ministry workers. If it is possible set aside some money each year so that you can splurge with a big conference every 2-3 years. After attending CPC (Children's Pastor's Conference) I believe it is something that every children's leader needs to experience at least once. The focus is to inspire and refresh the leaders there through worship, teaching, and encouragement. And I can most definitely say that you will not walk away from that conference feeling like you are alone in ministry!
Connecting with the other Children's leaders in your commmunity is a great way to be reminded that we are not lonely islands of ministry. It doesnt have to be anything elaborate or ceremonious. I have been a part of community meetings that take place once a quarter at a local restaurant. We all gather in the back room of the restaurant and talk about whats going on in each of our ministries over lunch. Its simple, and yet I always walked away feeling connected and encouraged. If you want to make it a little more personal, each church involved can host a meeting at their church and after eating can give a tour of their children's area. Lets face it, who doesn't want to peek at what the other churches have going on? There are many ways that you can connect to the other children's ministers in your area and build a strong community that is there to support each other as we go through the journey of ministry.
I hope this has been an encouragement to you, or at least a reminder that we do not have to be lonely islands in ministry!
Graciously Growing at the Grove!
Miss Megan
CM Connect
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