Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Why I Celebrate Advent

I love Christmas, and there are many traditions that I have when it comes to the Christmas season. Celebrating Advent is one of those traditions. I love the counting down to Christmas, and doing it in a way that celebrates the birth of our Savior.

The Israelite people were waiting and looking for the promised Messiah for many years, there were descriptions given to them of what this Messiah was going to be like. And with great anticipation they waited. I believe that we too should have a sense of anticipation when it comes to celebrating Christmas.
Counting down the Sundays leading to Christmas and taking time out to focus on Jesus is a great way to get you and your family into the spirit of the true meaning of Christmas. There are some more traditional ways to celebrate advent that have to do with the lighting of the candles, and then there are devotionals that help us to focus and celebrate in the same way.

Each year I try to supply some type of advent devotional for the families in my ministries so that together they can spend time celebrating and anticipating the birth of our Savior. There was so much that went into the foretelling, conception,  announcements, and birth of Jesus that it is hard to sum it up all at once. Taking the whole month to truly appreciate the whole of these events is a great way to celebrate, in my opinion.

I hope that each of you take the time this month to celebrate the greatest gift of Christmas, our Savior sent as a baby to earth.

Continually Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

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