Every year when I make out my calendar for the year I fill some of the empty spaces with quotes and verses to encourage me. This week the verse in my planner was Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Every time I hear this verse I am reminded of the waiting portion that is implied in the verse. If you live in Indiana like me, or even any northern state, you know the long winters that we have. The seemingly endless waiting that we go through to stop seeing snow and feeling cold. Growing up I always had a marker point which I knew that spring was here and winter was finally over. Every spring there were these little blue and purple flowers that popped up in our front yard. I am pretty sure that they are weeds of some sort, but as a child I didn't care. I would look out our front door window every day searching to see if they had popped up in the yard. The excitement I felt was probably way more than it should have been but never the less it was there each year as I spotted those little flowers. After the long winter I was rewarded with a sure sign of spring. God had made the earth beautiful again just in time.
This is also true in our daily lives. Every one goes through times of long "winter" where things aren't as we would like for them to be. A time that we may refer to as suffering, or waiting. This may seem like an endless period of time, and often we may feel like giving up. But we must hold to the promise that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:11. Just like God provided a sign of winter coming to an end with the little blue flowers in my yard, he is faithful to provide us a sign as well. He has promised to make everything beautiful in its time. Any situation we face, any problem we have, any period of "winter" we go through. At just the right time God will turn it into something beautiful. We just have to hold on to the promise and wait. I know its easier than it sounds, but its true. Believe in God's promise!
Blessed to be Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
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