Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, and all too often it is the forgotten holiday in Children's Ministry. It is squished between Fall Festivals and Happy Birthday Jesus parties. I myself have caught myself throwing something together the weekend of thanksgiving both in the midweek and weekend to appease the lesser crowds that stick around for the holiday.
In recent years I have been trying to do better to give this holiday the celebration that it is due. Thanksgiving is such an important holiday to teach kids about. Thankfulness is something we should practice all year round, so it deserves its focus at least once a year.
One of my favorite things to do that has become somewhat of a tradition that has moved with me is watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I know you are all thinking what is spiritual about that? But here's the thing. This video though it may be silly in parts reminds us where thanksgiving started. Linus again steps up and informs us that thanksgiving began with a group of pilgrims and indians who were thankful that they had survived the past year when so many had not and that they were able to find a peace among themselves. This video also reminds us that thanksgiving isn't about our elaborate decorations or the majestic and mouthwatering meal laid out before us. It's about gathering together with those you love and remembering the blessings God has given us. With a ping pong table, popcorn, jelly beans, and buttered toast this diverse group of kids have managed to teach us a lesson on not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season but to stop and reflect on what we can be thankful for.
There are many other ways to teach kids about Thanksgiving and probably many more spiritual than the Peanuts gang but for now I am going to stick to my tradition and pop some popcorn, buy a bag of jelly beans and have some fun watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with the kiddoes.
I would love to hear from you what some of your traditions or ideas for celebrating Thanksgiving are. How do you keep the focus on this holiday?
Thankfully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
A while back I posted about things I do as a day to day children's minister that I just was not prepared for in my college classes. It is definitely one of those defining moments between theory and practice. Well as I have been preparing for our Trunk or Treat this year I have been reminded of more things that I honestly never thought I would have to know or consider. So here is my list for you. I hope you enjoy!
1. What is the condiment to hot dog ratio when buying in bulk?
2. How to get 50,000 pieces of candy for under $1500.00
3. The nacho chip to cheese ratio.
4. At what rate do you distribute candy to be able to stretch over a 3 hour time period?
5. How long will it take to pop 100 lb of popcorn?
6. How to estimate the growth of an event based on the weather patterns over the last few years and the forecast for this year.
7. Would this type of candy hurt if being hurled through the air from a candy cannon?
8. What songs should be chosen for a Trunk or Treat playlist?
9. How to properly block off a hallway so that there is no one wandering through the church building.
10. How to plan for anchoring a bounce item without drilling holes in the concrete.
I know this was a bit of a shorter post today, and for that I am sorry, but as you can tell I am deep in the midst of Trunk or Treat prep. If you are in the Grant County area on October 25th, come join us from 3-6 for our annual Trunk or Treat at Liberty Baptist! We would love to see you there.
Comment below and let me know about some of the things you have encountered that have caught you off guard.
Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
In my past 6 years of being in full time ministry there have been things that have come up that I was never warned about/prepared for in college. I believe that I have learned just as much if not more in the real world of ministry than I learned in theory in college. Some of these things range from typical to slightly bizzare. Here is a short list for you:
1. What color/type of mulch is needed on a playground?
2. The plumbing make up of a preschool sized toilet.
3. What does happen when a child eats glue.
4. How to find the best possible route to pick up kids for camp.
5. How many batches of popcorn will feed 25 families
6. How do you get cotton candy dust out of your hair?
7. Designing a Theme/Logo for a ministry
8. Re Decorating a Childrens Building
9. Choosing/ Setting up a security check in system
10. How long should you set the motion sensor light duration in a preschool bathroom?
11. How to balance the volume levels for the 3 stacked children's churches so that they are not turning it up to be heard over the others.
I know there are many more things I've learned, and I would love to hear things others have learned or had to deal with.
Learning and Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan