Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Choosing a Nativity Set

Placed right beside our Christmas tree in the foyer of the Children's wing is a Little People nativity set. And depending on when you walk by it, the pieces are in a variety of arrangements. It always brings me such happiness to walk by and see how the pieces are placed this time. And that is one of the reasons I chose this particular nativity set.
When I was serving at a church a few years back, they had an elaborate nativity set that was adorning one of the counter tops in the Children's Ministry area. I spent so much time telling children not to touch it or overhearing parents doing the same. Now don't get me wrong, this was a BEAUTIFUL nativity scene, but in my opinion it had not place in the Children's Ministry area. Children are such tactile learners that it only seems appropriate that they be able to touch the nativity scene. I understand having an elaborate set in the church sanctuary or foyer, but in a place with children it needs to be child friendly.
And so when I was at a church in which I was in charge of the Children's Minstry, I went in search of a nativity set that was child friendly. There are a few out there, but I settled on the Little People set because I felt it was the closest to the actual Bible account. (I am a personal fan of the Charlie Brown Christmas Pageant set but that is a pageant and not a nativity). And so I put it out by the Christmas tree and told the kids they could play with it and touch it as much as they wanted as long as the pieces stayed there. This is my second church with this nativity set and both groups have loved having this type of nativity set in our Children's Ministry. There have been many overjoyed children and relieved parents when they found out that it really was ok to touch the nativity set. I love watching the children act out the story they just heard using the nativity set. And i've even had a laugh our two at the strange ways they play out the Christmas story. (I had one boy put the baby Jesus in the back of the cart behind the donkey and say that Mary and Joseph brought him to Bethlehem that way.) This is not just any story in the Bible it is the Birth of our Savior. And I want kids to be able to experience it in a real way and not feel like it is something not meant for them or somehow "spiritually untouchable." Jesus came as a baby to save ALL of us! I want the children in my ministry to know that the Bible is real, that it is true, and that it is for them. So no "sacred cows" for us, I want everything we do to be child friendly when it comes to teaching the lessons. And what better way than having a nativity set that the children can touch and experience for themselves.
Here is the current set up  our nativity set has found itself in. I believe the wisemen are lined up to take their turn worshipping Jesus. Because all preschoolers know, we must line up nicely and wait our turn!

Joyfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

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