We are just past Trunk or Treat and I am so excited by the way things turned out! At rough estimate we had about 2500 people join us this year for trunk or treat. This is more people than we had in attendance last year and we are so happy for the growth. It is my prayer that we are able to continue growing each year to accommodate the increase in visitors. God blessed us with wonderful weather, it was about 70 degrees outside with a light breeze. The weekend before it was cold and in the 50's and this coming weekend (the one following trunk or treat) it is predicted to snow. Our God is one who is in control of all things and cares about the little things in our life as well as the big. We prayed for good weather and God provided.
This was my first year doing Trunk or Treat at Liberty and I will absolutely admit that I was nervous. I was worried that I would mess things up and that the event would turn out to be a complete disaster. But God is faithful and He worked through me and others to make this event a success. There were many lessons learned this year, and I have multiple pages of notes to go over in considering next year's event. I feel that it is always good to take a look at anything you are doing and see if there are things that are working well, things that are not working at all, and things that you can make better. One of the things that I know we will be making a change in for next year is setting up a fence perimeter around our Trunk or Treat. We had cars lining the outer edges but people were still able to walk through and therefore missing the welcome booths with church information and tracts. A perimeter will also allow for better safety measures as we have cars arriving and leaving in a constant cycle just beyond our Trunk or Treat.

To give an update on one of the questions I posed in my last blog, I do not know exactly how long it takes to pop 100 lb of popcorn. I do however know that you can pop roughly 500 bags and 1 large trash bag full of pop corn in 6 hours. We only used 1 popcorn machine, and so therefore are considering either renting additional machines or planning an entire day to pop the popcorn prior to the event.
Though there were lessons learned this year and things to tweak for the coming years, overall this year was a success.
Learning and Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
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