This past week I put out the offer to the families in our church, and also through the magic of Facebook the world (or at least the portion on my friends list) a chance to win a Family Reading Bible to use in the upcoming year. In order to be entered to win, the families are asked to share with me a way that they are planning to spend time in God's Word as a family. My plan was to not simply give away this awesome resource, because it really is a cool family Bible, but more so to get families thinking about spending time in the Bible together.
So what's the big deal about families spending time together in God's Word? Shouldn't I be encouraging them to spend time alone with God instead? Let me share with you why I think that family Bible time is so important.
First I believe that by instituting a family Bible time in your home you are starting your children in a habit of spending time in God's Word each day. Parents are showing their children by example that the Bible isn't only to be opened on Sundays or midweek at church, it is a book that is to be read every day. If your children are small and not of reading age this is so important, but as the children get older they can take turn reading the scripture and even sharing what they have learned from it. This can also serve as a jumping off point for personal devotions as the children grow older. The children can be encouraged to read the passages of scripture on their own and then the family come together to discuss what they think the passage means, and ask any questions that come up.
The second reason I believe that family Bible time is important is that it shows your children what is important in your life. It is good for children to see their mother and father taking time out of their day to spend time with God. As children grow they look to their same sex parent to see what is expected on how they should act and what they should value, and so whatever you do is what your children will see and mimic in their own lives. If you want them to live by the Word of God, so should you.
The third reason I believe that family Bible time is important is it provides a safe place for question and discussion. If you begin when the children are younger and really take the time to talk about questions that come up or discuss some of the sticky situations that are mentioned it builds a strong foundation of openness and trust. The hope is that later when the children are older and possibly facing sticky situations of their own that they will use the family Bible time as a safe place to ask what the Bible says about that situation. Much learning can happen both in intellectual knowledge and spiritual growth from times like these.
The fourth and final reason I believe that family Bible time is important is simply that it is family time. In todays world our schedules pull us farther apart from each other instead of closer together. We spend our time running from school activity to work activity to even church activity and we do not often make the time to spend as a family. And what better way to set aside time to spend as a family but to do it around God's Word.
I would love to hear your thoughts on spending time in God's Word as a family.What are you doing this year to spend time in God's Word as a family? Do you currently spend time together in God's Word? If so is it daily? weekly?
Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
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