Thursday, December 4, 2014

Its the Little Things in Life

Today is my birthday. It is only 10:17 as I sit here typing this blog and because of the wonder of technology I have been greeted with 40 Happy Birthdays from friends and family in a variety of states. I do not tell you this to brag in any way. Simply because it has reminded me that the little things in life are so important. Would it be any less my birthday if no one had wished me a happy birthday? NO.  But it is a wonderful feeling to know that those around me care enough to take time from  their day and say "Happy Birthday" to me.

I am constantly surrounded by those who drop little blessings into my life, and I am trying my best to do the same for others. Whether it be kind words to someone who is struggling, a smile for a stranger, or encouragement for a job well done. Its the little things in life that can mean so much to a person. Stop and think for a second about something that may seem small or insignificant to others but meant a lot to you. Maybe it was a cup of coffee from a friend when you least expected it. Maybe it was your husband having dinner ready when you got home from work. Or it could be a hug from a child when you are upset about something. These are not the type of things that are reported in newspapers, and often aren't even talked about among friends. But these are all things that can change your day, even make it better. Another layer of joy comes from being the one to cause the happiness in someones life. Growing up I heard the phrase "it is better to give than to recieve." I believe this applies to this situation as well. When we set out to be a blessing to others, we in fact find ourselves being blessed.

So what little thing can I do today to try to make someone's day better?
 How can I be an encouragement to the people around me?
What can you do?

Thoughtfully Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

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