Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Good Shepherd

Tuesday night at the small group I attend we studied John 10. In this chapter Jesus calls himself the good shepherd. As a modern american I have no real life experience in the area of shepherding. In fact, aside from random watching of the Discovery Channel, my only exposure to shepherds and sheep is through my reading of the Bible. Shepherding is a common theme in Scripture because it was a concept and occupation that everyone in the audience was familiar with. And through study we can find out a lot about shepherds and sheep that we can parallel in our lives today. 

One of the first things I learned about sheep is that they aren't really all that smart on their own and so  depend on their shepherd to take care of them. I have also learned that in the time of the Bible, Shepherding was a full time job. Most shepherds spent both their waking and sleeping hours with their sheep. It was because of this that the shepherd and his sheep had a close relationship. In John 10:4 we learn that the sheep follow the shepherd because they know his voice. 

Jesus in trying to tell the people once again that He is the promised Messiah sent from God the Father, states that He is the Good Shepherd. After learning these things about shepherding it is clear to see in this passage of scripture, and others just how much Jesus loves us and cares for us. In this passage Jesus talks about how the Good Shepherd leads his sheep, he sleeps at the gate to their pen to protect them, and is even willing to lay down his life for his sheep.

I am in awe that the holy and awesome creator of the universe cares enough to not only know my name but to speak it to me. In return I must work to build the type of relationship with Him to where I know His voice. Because I belong to Him I can recognize his voice in the midst of all of those in the world trying to lead me a stray.

A few weeks ago I was listening to Beth Guckenberger speak at Children's Pastor's Conference, she told us a story of a trip she took to Israel. While there she saw a group of sheep and a shepherd on a nearby patch of land. She asked the taxi driver what they were doing and he explained to her that there wasn't much good grass in the area and so the shepherd walked ahead of his sheep kicking away rocks that hide the grass and pointing to his sheep where they can find food. The shepherd is leading them to each bite of food, the sheep do not have to worry where it is going to come from, or look for it themselves. Their shepherd is there taking care of them, providing for their needs. Just as that shepherd was there leading his sheep, Jesus is with us leading us to what we need in life. It is not up to us to take care of our own needs only to follow Him. But we must make ourselves like the sheep and fully depend on God to take care of us. He has promised that he would, we need only take him at his word.

I am challenged daily to give up what little bit of control I think I have and  depend on my shepherd to lead me where he wants me to go, to take care of my needs, and to protect me. All I need to do is listen to His voice, He cares for me and calls me by name because I am His. There is no better place to be than in the loving care of my Good Shepherd!

Continually Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

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