Thursday, April 30, 2015

Don't Go to Church

I know, I know, you saw the title of this post and you thought to yourself, "Has she lost her mind?!" Actually, no. 

I came across the graphic above while searching for children's lessons one day and it really resonated with me. You see I am always talking to parents about consistency in bringing their kids to church and putting them in class. Going to church is a habit that we want to last for a life time. But all too often we get caught up in the belief that going to church is enough. And though it is important that'ts not all there is to it. You see the "church" as we call it is just a building. In the case of my church, Liberty Baptist, its a very nice building. But none the less still a building. What makes this building special or important is the people who come there and the things that are taught. And though I am partial to this particular place, these things can occur anywhere. In fact this is a nation wide occurrence, individuals gathering in some form of building or another to teach and learn from God's word.  So, getting back to why I say don't go to church. I am not telling you to quit attending a gathering of believers. I am instead asking you to change your perspective and ponder the second sentence in this graphic. Be the church.

What does that even mean?

What does it look like to be the church?

It is my belief that being the church is more of a lifestyle that a scheduled weekly occurrence. In order to be the church we must be willing to present ourselves as the bride of Christ and act in a way that represents Him. There are many ways that Jesus demonstrated how we should live during his time here on earth. We are to help the sick, needy and downtrodden. Not only by praying for them but by helping with our time, treasures, and talents. We are to care for the orphaned and widows, we are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ the same as we would help our biological family. We are to share the truth of the gospel in love. I must do my part to be a physical representation of Christ in my daily life. 

It is my goal to have people know I am a Christ follower not because I have a scheduled attendance at a building, but because I live a life that points to my Savior. I don't just want to got to church, I want to be the church.

Will you join me?

Thoughtfully Growing at The Grove.

Miss Megan

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who I Am

My identity could be easily defined with these labels; daughter, friend, co-worker, and children's minister. All of these are true, and they all do define an aspect of me. There are some others that may not seem so great that also are accurate; sinner, stranger, outcast, slave. Just like the first set of labels these also only define an aspect of me. I should not look to any one of these singular labels to define the whole of my identity.

On Thursday night I have been leading a ladies Bible study looking at the book of Ephesians. This book begins with Paul telling the readers aka you and I who we are in Christ. He lays out for them, and for us how we should define our identity. In short, we are adopted children of the one true and mighty King, co-hiers with Jesus Christ, and his treasured inheritance.

Because of God's love for me, and for you as well, I no longer have to live with separated from a relationship with God. No longer must I be a slave to sin, he has purchased me with Christ's blood on the cross. No longer must I be a stranger, I am welcomed into the family as an adopted child.  No longer am I an outcast only on the outside looking in, I am welcomed with open arms with full benefits. No longer must I be called a sinner, for I have been redeemed!

There are so many voices in the world today that want to tell us who we are or even what we are worth. I must daily remind myself that God has already told me who I am. I must do my best to live in the identity that He has given me.

I am a blessed daughter of the King of Kings!

Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

No Place Like Home

I was blessed to be able to return home to Memphis for a few days to recharge my batteries and be encouraged by loved ones before I head into the craziness that is summer in Children's Ministry. It has been so great to spend time with people that I love and who love me and to catch up on what has been going on in their lives since I last talked to them. 

Being back here has reminded me that all of us, as Christians, are spending our days away from our permanent home. Each of us has a home in Heaven that is waiting for us. There we will find loved ones and friends who have gone before us. We will get the privilege of catching up with them, hearing what life has been like since we parted. I know I can't wait to see so many people that I have known and loved that have been experiencing the joy of Heaven without me. But I know that someday I will get to join them. 

Mercy Me released a song back in 2004 called Homesick. In this song they are talking about how they have lost loved ones and people close to them and how it makes them long for Heave even more. The line that stands out to me the most is in the chorus which says, 
                                   "If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place. 
                                    Lord, won't you grant me strength to make it through somehow. 
                                    I've never been more homesick than now." 

We all have experienced a longing to see those we love once again. And most of us have probably even yearned for a location because of the memories or excitement it held. And that is what Heaven is like for us as Christians. We are looking toward a place that is perfect beyond our imaginations. In Heaven there will be no more sadness, no more pain, no more death. We will have the opportunity to spend eternity worshipping at the feet of Jesus along side those whom we love. If that doesn't make you long for Heaven I don't know what will. 

Though I may be homesick for my family and friends in Memphis from time to time, my heart's true longing is for my eternal home, one that is indescribable, and unimaginable. Its true what they say, there really is no place like home!

Gracefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You never know the impact you are going to make in someone's life! Last night we had our first VBS volunteer training, and one of the things that I emphasized to our volunteers is to take advantage of every opportunity to build a relationship with the kids coming to VBS. I reminded them that it doesn't take big gestures to make an impression on someone's life. 

One of the people that made a big impression on my life in a seemingly small way were my 4th grade Sunday School teachers. They always took the time to ask us how our week was going and talk to us about whatever was going on. But the big thing for my 4th grade heart was the fact that whenever we had a birthday in our class they brought in root beer and ice cream for black cows. That may not seem like a big deal, and to be honest as an adult its not earth shaking, but as a 4th grader that was the coolest thing that our teachers would do that to make us feel special and celebrated! I still recall those times fondly after all these years.

Another person that impacted my life but is instead a family. The Cooper family lost their oldest daughter to a car accident about 5 years ago. And instead of letting hurt and bitterness take over, they decided to turn this tragedy into a blessing for others. In honor of their daughter, the Brianna Cooper Heavenly Smiles Foundation was formed. The Coopers have used this foundation to help families who have lost a child, whose child has been born with cleft lip or palate, or who have had to deal with childhood leukemia. The light of Christ is shining brightly through the Cooper family, and I know that their faith has made an impact on more people than just me. But also knowing the Coopers I know that this was not their intention when they started out, they just wanted to honor Brianna and give back some of the generosity that was shown to them in their hour of need. 

The final person that I will share that has made a huge impact on my life, through little things he did was my grandpa. Every time I spoke to my grandpa we wouldn't end the conversation without him telling me that he was proud of me. When I would go and visit him, I would hear from the people around him that he had been telling them about me and what I was doing. He showed me that he loved me and supported whatever I was doing by his words and actions. It wasn't any grand gestures, or large gifts. It was simply being reminded every time we spoke that he was proud of me. And when I faced hard times, times when I thought I wasn't good enough to do the job ahead of me, or times when I was discouraged by the events going on in my life, I had those conversations to draw on. I knew that no matter what was going on in my life that I had at least one person who was proud of me and who loved me. And even though my grandpa has been gone now for a few years, I still hold on to and cherish those few words spoken to me.

These are just a few examples of people who made an impact on my life. There are many others as well that I have not mentioned. But it is because of these people that I now strive to be intentional in realizing that I am making an impact on those around me. It is not just the children in my ministry, or my volunteers, it is those I work with, my friends and family, and those I encounter throughout my life. I want to leave a positive impact on peoples lives and not a negative one.

So now I ask you, who has made an impact on your life? Whose life are you impacting? Is it positive or negative?

Daily Growing at The Grove

Miss Megan