I know, I know, you saw the title of this post and you thought to yourself, "Has she lost her mind?!" Actually, no.
I came across the graphic above while searching for children's lessons one day and it really resonated with me. You see I am always talking to parents about consistency in bringing their kids to church and putting them in class. Going to church is a habit that we want to last for a life time. But all too often we get caught up in the belief that going to church is enough. And though it is important that'ts not all there is to it. You see the "church" as we call it is just a building. In the case of my church, Liberty Baptist, its a very nice building. But none the less still a building. What makes this building special or important is the people who come there and the things that are taught. And though I am partial to this particular place, these things can occur anywhere. In fact this is a nation wide occurrence, individuals gathering in some form of building or another to teach and learn from God's word. So, getting back to why I say don't go to church. I am not telling you to quit attending a gathering of believers. I am instead asking you to change your perspective and ponder the second sentence in this graphic. Be the church.
What does that even mean?
What does it look like to be the church?
It is my belief that being the church is more of a lifestyle that a scheduled weekly occurrence. In order to be the church we must be willing to present ourselves as the bride of Christ and act in a way that represents Him. There are many ways that Jesus demonstrated how we should live during his time here on earth. We are to help the sick, needy and downtrodden. Not only by praying for them but by helping with our time, treasures, and talents. We are to care for the orphaned and widows, we are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ the same as we would help our biological family. We are to share the truth of the gospel in love. I must do my part to be a physical representation of Christ in my daily life.
It is my goal to have people know I am a Christ follower not because I have a scheduled attendance at a building, but because I live a life that points to my Savior. I don't just want to got to church, I want to be the church.
Will you join me?
Thoughtfully Growing at The Grove.
Miss Megan