Thursday, October 30, 2014
Trunk or Treat Update

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
I Need to Do What?! Trunk or Treat Edition
A while back I posted about things I do as a day to day children's minister that I just was not prepared for in my college classes. It is definitely one of those defining moments between theory and practice. Well as I have been preparing for our Trunk or Treat this year I have been reminded of more things that I honestly never thought I would have to know or consider. So here is my list for you. I hope you enjoy!
1. What is the condiment to hot dog ratio when buying in bulk?
2. How to get 50,000 pieces of candy for under $1500.00
3. The nacho chip to cheese ratio.
4. At what rate do you distribute candy to be able to stretch over a 3 hour time period?
5. How long will it take to pop 100 lb of popcorn?
6. How to estimate the growth of an event based on the weather patterns over the last few years and the forecast for this year.
7. Would this type of candy hurt if being hurled through the air from a candy cannon?
8. What songs should be chosen for a Trunk or Treat playlist?
9. How to properly block off a hallway so that there is no one wandering through the church building.
10. How to plan for anchoring a bounce item without drilling holes in the concrete.
I know this was a bit of a shorter post today, and for that I am sorry, but as you can tell I am deep in the midst of Trunk or Treat prep. If you are in the Grant County area on October 25th, come join us from 3-6 for our annual Trunk or Treat at Liberty Baptist! We would love to see you there.
Comment below and let me know about some of the things you have encountered that have caught you off guard.
Gratefully Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Guest Blogger: Brad Merchant
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Props (Almost) Everyone Has
Wooden Spoon
Wooden spoons can be used in a variety of ways when telling a story. It can be a baton when there is marching going on in the story, such as the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho. It can be used as a spoon stirring in a bowl when there is cooking going on, such as Mary cooking when Jesus came to teach. A wooden spoon can be used as a character in the story. Glue a bit of yarn for hair to the top and wrap the handle in some cloth and tada a person!
Toilet Paper Tube
What may seem like trash is actually a great tool for not only story telling but also crafts, but we can get to the craft part another time. A TP tube can be used as a small mega phone or trumpet when telling the story. It doesn't increase the volume of your voice much but enough to add to the story. A tube can also be used as a spyglass or binoculars when taping two together. There are many stories of spies in the Bible in which you could use these to enhance the story.
Blanket (Sheet)
A blanket is the most versatile item I think there is when telling a story. A blanket can be used to transform you into one of the characters of the story. It can be put on the ground for water, a piece of land, or even the floor of a make believe house. You can roll up a blanket and hold it like a baby, use it to cover other story props, or even simply use it as a blanket in the story. Any old sheet or blanket will do, but if you have different colors, use them!
I typically use a free standing bag that is not see through, because I like to put my story pictures or props inside to keep them hidden until I am ready. A normal paper sack from the grocery store is sufficient. You can even decorate a bag if it is something you want to use over and over. And the best part is storage is easy, just fold it up flat and its ready to be stuck somewhere.
These were just a few items that are just laying around the house that could be used to help you tell your Bible story to the children. Feel free to comment and let me know what your favorite household items are to use when teaching.
Creatively Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan
Sunday, October 5, 2014
I Can't Shut My Brain Off!
Hey all! Just a short video for you today, its my way of making it up to you that I didn't post last week! Please let me know your thoughts! I would LOVE to hear from you!