Thursday, July 24, 2014

I Love Camp

If you were to ask me what I am truly passionate about, one of the answers you would get from me is camp. I LOVE CAMP! 
What's so great about camp? Camp provides us a way  to get out of our normal day to day life and spend time in God's creation listening to and learning from God. It is amazing how well we can hear God speak when we don't have the tv, phone, ipod, etc. fighting for our attention.

In my mind camp is so much more than a location, it is an ideal. Inside, outside, no matter where or when, camp is a choice to step away, do differently, and come away changed. The concept  that camp is a state of mind is fairly new to me. I am still working through this but the more I think on it the more I believe. 

If we were to define "camp" as a period of time in which we separate ourselves from the day to day stuff of our lives and focus on learning and hearing from God. Using that as our frame work there are lots of things that fall into this category. In fact, Sunday School or church could even be placed in the category of camp with this definition.  If we can define a Sunday morning service as "camp", can we then expect to have the same mountain top experience during a service? I truly believe its not the pastor or location that provides us with those experiences, but instead  our own opening of our hearts and seeking to focus and hear from God. Imagine entering a Sunday morning service with that same willingness, even anticipation, oh think of the ways that God could move in our lives! Every time we are at church could be a spiritual "camp" experience,whether it be Sunday School, Children's Church, midweek, or even a Bible study. 

The thing I love most about camp is meeting with God in a real, tangible way. So then why is it so hard to accomplish more than once or twice a year?  I know personally I find it easier to listen to God when I am out in His creation. However the truth is, God is still speaking and moving even when I am not in His nature listening. And therefore the issue lies with me. I need to make more of an effort to tune out the distractions of the world, and listen wholeheartedly for the voice of God. I need to actively seek to be changed from every encounter with the Word of God. 

I love camp, and as I am learning, it doesn't have to be something I wait all year to experience. 

Grateful for God's lessons at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Giving Back

My whole life my parents have taught me the value of repaying a kindness done to you. When my parents were first starting out as a married couple they were both working and not making much money. There were times when my Grandpa (my mom's dad) would bring them over groceries to help the pay checks stretch that much further. And so when the opportunities have arisen, and my parents have seen someone they can help in some way, they have taken that opportunity to help, since the same was done for them.

My mom and dad have always shared the importance of this with me. As the body of Christ we are to help each other and repay what is done for us. That doesn't always mean repaying the person who helped you, sometimes it comes more in the way of paying it forward.

There have been many times in my life that people have helped me, whether it be through giving me something I was in need of, encouraging me along the way, or pouring their time and wisdom into my life. One in particular that stands out to me is the mentor relationship that I have. When I was a teenager I began a type of informal mentor/mentee relationship with our church's Children's Pastor. I would sit in his office and we would talk about the ministry, school, and life. He was a great encouragement to me early on when I felt called to ministry. As I have ventured out into my own ministry, he and his wife have continued to be a constant source of encouragement to me. I know if I need a sounding board for an idea, or simply a little bit of advice on how to handle a situation that he will be there to help in any way he can. Now that I find myself a little more settled, and feeling like I can hold my own in my ministry and life, I believe it is time for me to pay it forward. It is time for me to find someone that I can pour into, journey along side, and help through encouragement and prayer. I have been blessed by the impact my mentor has had on my life and ministry and I hope that God can use me to be a blessing in someone else's life.

I am so glad that my parents taught me to give back by helping others. Life is so much better when we all work together, that is what the Body of Christ is all about.

Has there been a time in your life where someone has helped you? Have you paid it forward and helped someone else?

Gratefully Growing at the Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wisdom on the Wall

On the wall of my office, above my desk is a quote, "Every child is a story yet to be told." Surrounding this quote are pictures of children both in my current ministry as well as my prior ministries. I love having this reminder always in front of me as I work. Though it is not a quote from scripture, I still believe that it holds a great truth. Children have amazing potential and a long future ahead of them. They are impressionable and everything that goes on around them forms them into the adults they will one day become. This reminds me that I have a huge responsibility to make the right impressions on the lives of the kids in my ministry.Every interaction and conversation we have with a child is another mark on the blank slate of their life. My hope is that the end picture will be that of Jesus, and so I must do my best to mark carefully. I want to do my part to teach them about the love of God, to depend on Him to get them through the paths of life. Who knows what God has in store for each of these children. He may lead them through a path in life that is particularly hard to handle, he may call them to do something that is not necessarily popular or easy, He may even bring tragedy their way. God may also bless them beyond measure, give them wealth or fame. But in any circumstance, I want these kids to know that the center of their story, no matter what it includes, should always be God.

As I sit here looking at the faces of each of these children that hold a special place in my heart, I wonder what God has in store for their future. What story will each of them tell with their life? Has my story inspired them to seek after God? Has my influence been a positive on in their life? There is so much potential wrapped up in each of those faces. Stories that have already begun but are not yet finished. I pray that the Lord will use me to make a positive mark on the unfinished stories that each of these children hold.

Blessed to be Growing at The Grove!
Miss Megan

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Road to Check In

I mentioned in my prior post about our bus ministry that we are in the process of looking at check in systems for our children's ministry. One of our big challenges has been accommodating  our bus ministry as well as our drive in kids.
Recently I presented a plan to our deacon board and answered any questions or concerns they had. For the most part all of the men in that room were on board with my plan and thought that over all we were in need of a system to protect ourselves as well as our children. No final decisions have been made, but I thought I would share my proposed plan with you incase there is anyone out there like me who has been dealing with the same situation of a unique ministry with unusual check in demands.
We are looking to use Planning Center check-in. I like that it is online based and run so we are not locked into one location, it is as mobile as our ministry. With a mobile device and a bluetooth printer we can take check-in wherever we are. This will allow our bus workers to check in each child as they get on the bus. We have gone with a durable sticker printer that is intended for use by those in delivery or transport. It is rechargeable so we do not have to worry about powering it while on the bus, and it is small enough that it can be carried with you easily.
Our back up plan, should the technology decide not to cooperate one Sunday, is to use wristbands of different colors to distinguish between which bus the child rides. For the drive in children there will be a wristband that comes with an attached ticked and matching numbers.
We will have touch screen kiosks located in the may lobby area of our children's wing for drive in families to check in their children. We have decided to go with bar code scanners to help speed up the check in process. We will also have an ipad for use in checking in visiting families. Using the ipad will allow us to be able to pull the visitors out of the way of the families checking in and be able to speak to them and not be interrupted.
As our ministry grows I believe that this check in system will be able to grow with us. I am looking forward to making The Grove a safer place for our children and families. Thankfully we live in a country where we do not fear persecution for our religious beliefs, but we do live in a world full of sinners and I want to try to protect our children as much as we can.

Thankfully Growing at The Grove!

Miss Megan

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Generation

Last night I was talking to one of my close friends from Memphis. We were discussing how we have been seeing God at work lately. She was rejoicing and in awe of the little "God things" that God has allowed her to recognize lately. As we talked she mentioned a few things that had happened recently that upon reflection we know would not have happened had God not had His hand in it. One such occurrence happened when a group of friends went out to eat after the young adult service at her church last night. As she looked down the table at the gathering there she saw two of the guys talking and having an authentic conversation with each other. These two have probably been around each other consistently for at least 6 months. But their differences have meant that they have never really connected. Those of us who know them both, would say that there is actually a lot that they would have in common if they got to know each other. Well last night through the seemingly randomness of the open seat at the table, these two were pushed together and began to talk. I believe that if a true friendship were to grow between these two it could lead to both of them growing in their faith. God uses the people around us to teach us things about ourselves or things about Him and that can help us grow closer to God and hopefully bring that friend along side of us. That is my hope with these two.

As we continued to talk my friend and I also began to talk about how our prayer in recent days has been that God would use us in ways for His glory to make an impact beyond ourselves. But both of us have come to the realization, especially in recent days, that the little ways that God uses us can actually be just one part in something bigger that God is doing. That  in fact God has been answering our prayers and using us, but instead of us being the one to lead thousands to Christ or heal some incurable disease, He has been using us to carry out His will in many different ways. And though we may not see the end result in our lifetime we will both gladly submit to follow the leading of God and do as He asks us to. Just one seemingly small action on our part can lead to something that is so far beyond ourselves that it can only be attributed to God, the one who truly deserves the glory.

As the conversation continued we began to get excited as we thought about what the impact would be if our generation surrendered to be used by God in whatever ways He saw fit. What if we all stood together and said that we would follow and obey willingly? What if we were genuine in our relationship with God and with others around us? Well the world as we know it would change, in a big way.
So my prayer now is not for myself but instead for my generation. That each of us would realize that our true potential does not lie within ourselves but outside. That our potential lies within our willingness to surrender completely to God and His plans for us. My prayer is that we would be genuine and honest about the way that God is moving in our lives and the lives of those around us. That we would not be ashamed of the changes that God is making, that we would openly rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and mourn with those who are mourning. That my generation would be the hands and feet of Christ to everyone they encounter and show a true picture of what the family of God is supposed to look like.  I am willing to be used by God in any way that He sees fit, I sacrifice my wants and desires to pursue the perfect plan He has for me. And though I may never receive accolades or even see the completed work, I rejoice that God allows me to see glimpses of Him at work in the world around me. I pray this for my generation.

Prayerfully Growing at the Grove!
Miss Megan